Chapter 15

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"Don't forget to send a message," Sean reminded her as they left the room so she could nurse.

She nodded and once Kyree was feeding she opened the phone and went to the messages. She created a group message and sent out Hi Everyone, are you busy? She smiled at the instant hi with her various nicknames from them and that they weren't busy. Can all of you be here in about thirty minutes so Kyree can have her first appointment with Dr. Roberts? They all said they would be there and she smiled at the comfort seeing those words. She watched her daughter nurse and thought of how lucky they were in how the past couple weeks had changed so drastically. She then decided to message Sean with a thought.

Hey Dr. Sean I have a question.

What is it Pookie?

Is Erica working?

Yes, why?

Oh never mind then.

What is it Pookie?

I was just thinking that she might like to attend the visit as well since she was the one who introduced us and she is Kota's mom and Kyree's Oma but if she is busy then I can just have Kota let her know how it went afterwards.

That is an excellent idea, I will make sure she is there Pookie.

I don't want to bother her if she is working, Sean.

Too late, she already said she will be there, it fits into her lunch break so Kota said he will grab her something to eat and Owen said we will all go out to eat afterwards. Kota's sister Jessica will be joining us as well.

Ok, thank you Dr. Sean.

An hour later the whole team walked into Dr. Robert's office and he smiled, "I am glad to see that everyone is here. Now who are these beautiful birds?"

"Pookie, this is my mentor Dr. Roberts. This is our bird Willow and our baby bird Kyree," Sean beamed.

"Erica has already filled me in Dear so there won't be any awkward questions other than one," Dr. Roberts said and she tensed up.

"Um, okay?" she whispered and Owen gently sat her in his lap.

"Would you like to leave the father's name blank on the birth certificate? I only ask so I know what to put on her confidential information in her patient file, that's all," Dr. Roberts explained.

"Put my name," Owen said sternly. "Make sure everyone knows they are our birds."

"Got it," Dr. Roberts smiled and made a few notes.

She looked at Owen shocked and he just gave her a millimeter smile. "Owen," She whispered and he nodded.

"I know what we are doing Darling, don't worry about it one bit," he whispered in her ear.

"But Owen," she whispered and he shook his head then looked at her with a look that she knew to just drop it so she did. She smiled and hugged him which he gladly returned.

"Ok, let me look at this beautiful little girl," Dr. Roberts smiled as North reluctantly let her go. "How is she feeding?" he asked after he wrote a few things down and took her weight.

"She is exclusively breast feeding," Gabe said softly. "We have a pump coming in a few days, so we will be able to help with the feedings soon."

He asked a few more questions that they answered for her since they could tell that she was really nervous. She really appreciated that no one pressured her to answer.

"For a premie she is doing well, she will remain tiny for a while but if there are no concerns then other than pricking her foot to check her iron, her check up is done. Sean knows what to do and what to look for so that makes my job a lot easier and I know that gives you reassurance as well," He said writing some more notes down.

"Yeah, but she wants him to have the daddy role instead of doctor when it comes to Kyree," Axel said.

"I get that," Dr. Roberts nodded. "I also know that it gives her reassurance that if she has any concerns or questions that she feels like can't wait until she can get ahold of me that she can go to Sean for them and he will help with whatever she is worried about."

"Of course," Sean nodded as he held Kyree for the blood test. "We all will."

"She may only want Mommy after this," Dr. Roberts said as he got ready. "Comfort nursing is what I mean. Once she is calm then she may want one of her daddies."

The rest of the appointment went well and they got pictures of Dr. Roberts holding her then of Erica and Jessica holding her. Erica let Jessica go spend the rest of the day with them so she could get to know her niece better. Jessica was over moon learning she was an aunt and was talking about all the things she could do with her as she got older.

They went to the diner and Uncle beamed as they walked in. "Who is this?" he asked as he hugged North and Luke.

'Uncle these are our birds Willow and Kyree, this is our Uncle," Luke smiled.

"Just call me Uncle," he said as he hugged Willow then took Kyree from North.

"Hi Uncle, I'm Willow," she said softly as Owen gently sat her in a bench. Uncle took everyone's order then headed to the back to start making everything.

"What are you thinking?" Kota asked as he watched her watch Jessica hold Kyree and glare at North for trying to take her from her.

"I never thought we would have this," She admitted softly.

"Well believe it because this is your life now," he smiled as he patted her knee. "Both of you are ours forever."

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