Chapter 7. Mission and the USJ

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No one POV.

It has been a two weeks since school started for Izuku, we can see him laying in his bed cuddling with Kurt it was friday and Izuku was the first one to wake up he tried to wake up Kurt but Kurt just snuggeld more into Izuku's chest.

Izuku :,,Kurt it's time to get up."

Kurt :,,Noooooo"

Izuku :,,Babe come on it's the last day before the weekend."

Kurt :,,No, I want more cuddles."

Izuku :,,How about this you get up now and we will get boba and pizza after school and then you can choose which movie we watch tonight."

And in a puff Kurt was up.

Kurt :,,Come on we are gonna be late for school!"

Izuku laughed at his boyfriend before he got out of the bed and put on some clothes.

Izuku laughed at his boyfriend before he got out of the bed and put on some clothes

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  Izuku :,,Let's go."

Izuku and Kurt walked down the stairs towards the common room they expected to see their friends but what they didn't expected to see were their teacher and two members of their class.

Henry :,,Yo Izuku, Kurt good morning."

Izuku :,,Henry what are you doing here?"

Kurt :,,You too Akira?"

Akira :,,I got a call this morning to meet you guys here in the X-Men mansion it was something about a mission."

Izuku :,,A mission?"

Henry :,,Yeah, they called me and said they needed a combat medic so that's why I am here."

Kurt :,,What kind of mission?"

Maxson :,,A mission that has to do with the Silver Samurai."

Izuku :,,The Silver Samurai!?"

Maxson :,,Yes yesterday some members of the Avengers stormed a base of the Silver Samurai they found nothing besides a note that said that a attack in japan was planned today, we don't know were they will attack but that is why we are sending you there together with Morgan and Togata her I will also be a part of the mission."

Kurt :,,So we are kind of patrolling around Japan and wait for the attack of the Silver Samurai?"

Maxson :,,Yes I wished I could tell you more but that is all we know."

Izuku :,,Will there be teams?"

Xavier :,,Yes, there will be three teams of us and five teams of the Avengers the hero comission of Japan was also informed so the japanese heroes will be on guard aswell.

Rogue :,,What are the teams?"

Beast :,,Team number one will be Maxson, Izuku, Kurt, Akira, Henry and Rogue, Team number two is Jean, Scott, Shinso, Storm and Kitty and team number three will be me, Logan, Evan, the Professor and Miss Mukei over there."

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