Kidnapped, Part 1

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You wake to pure blackness, not knowing where you are. 'Where the hell am I?" You thought to yourself. You realise your on a uncomfortable bed You try to get up, but you can't because something is wrapped around your left leg. You start to panic and struggle.

"HELP, IS ANYONE THERE?" You shout, hoping someone will hear you.

You hear loud footsteps echoing through the room. Then you see a bright light coming from under the door. The door slowly squeaks open, like something out of a horror movie. You see a tall figure standing there, you can't seem to recognise who he is. That is until he switches the light on in the room. OMFG, you can't believe it's Vanoss, your best friend.

"Where am I Evan?" You say, using his nickname trying to get answers out of him.

"This is your new home, (Y/N)" Evan explained giving you a creepy smirk.

"What do you mean by 'this is my new home?" You spoke, a shiver running down your spine.

"Evan, you have been my best friends for years, how could you kidnap me" You say, a tear starts to fall. Evan's eyes soften, he looks really upset.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)" he bends down and kisses your forehead. He then whispers,"I wasn't the one who kidnapped you, my boss did."

"Wait! Who's your boss?" You shouted as Evan slowly walked away. You begged him to let you go but he just ignored you. He turns the light off and locks the door, leaving you in complete darkness.


Your so bored, you've been tied up in this room for what feels like hours. You hear the noise of your belly grumbling, "I'm so hungry." You say out loud.

Just when you feel like your about to give up a bright light comes from under the door again. The door opens and you see a tall figure, holding a tray. He switches the light on. You weren't expecting it to be Delirious.

He asked you out about 2 years ago, but you turned him down because you thought he was strange. Your afraid to talk to him, scared he might do something.

"I got you some food." His voice was deeper then before. He's more attractive now, then he was before. He places a tray of food in front of you. On the tray is a ham sandwich, a bottle of water and a chocolate muffin.

"T-thank you." You stutter. You nervously pick up the ham sandwich and take a bite. Meanwhile Delirious sat down next to you on the bed. He watches you eat and drink without saying a word. When you were finished you started to make conversation with him.

"Why did you kidnap me?" You mumble quietly. You want to know why he's kidnapped you.

"If I tell you, you won't believe me." He says sounding more nervous then you.

"Try me" you say.

He stares into your eyes

"I kidnapped you (Y/N) because I love you."


DUN DUN DUN sorry I'll stop...
Shoutout to parisatnight for helping me write this chapter she started an amazing book and I recommend you go check it out. Comment, vote or just completely ignore this


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