Five minutes at Freddy's*

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I groan pulling myself up, looking around with a pounding headache. My vision is blurry, I place a hand on my aching head blinking to clear my sight. I can see my friends Vanoss, Lui, Nogla and Mini scattered around the floor and my boyfriend Delirious under a table. Exactly why are we on the floor? Also why the heck does it feel like I have the worlds worst hangover!

I turn around taking notice of the flickering lights and black and white tiled floor. There was very little light but I can make out little tables and a stage. 3 silhouettes are standing on the stage but I can't tell exactly what they are.

So I've come to the conclusion that this is really creepy and I shall blame Nogla...

I kick the person closest to me who just happens to be Lui. He turns his head to the other side grumbling incoherent words under his breath.

"Wake up!" I hiss kicking him again.

"Five more minutes" he groans turning over onto his shoulder.

"Wake up! Something's not right" I whisper again kicking him repeatedly. I looked back to where the sillhoutes are, the 2 of them are still in the same position. Wait wasn't there 3?
I pinched his cheeks and finally his eyes open. He looks around with a very confused face. I smile awkwardly when he turns to me. Guess im not the only confused one.

"(Y/N)? Why are you hitting me!" He whines before looking around again. That's what he's worried about?
"So-" I began.

"Why does it look like Five nights at Freddy's in here? Why am I wearing a monkey mask? Why are they all asleep?" Lui went on asking more questions. He stands up letting his gaze wander around the room, trailing his hands across the tables.

"I know as much as you do I just woke up!" I whisper looking around again. The stage lit up a little and I could now see that one of the silhouettes was yellow. This is not okay...

"I'm trying to sleep" Delirious mumbles turning over. I crawl over to his side and shake his shoulder. He gets up quickly, slamming his head on the table in the process. I cough to cover a laugh and help him up. Wish I could've gotten that on video.

He groans and rubs his head.
"Where are we?"

"I don-" Vanoss begins mumbling something along the lines of 'be quiet'.

"We should wake them up (y/n) you go wake up Vanoss I got Nogla and Lui you wake up Mini then we will talk."

Lui and I nod. I run to Vanoss and shake him, he didn't move. Why is this so complicated? I smack him only to be smacked back. I get up and kick him resulting in him getting up frightened.

"Where are we?" He asks looking around.
"That's what we're trying to find out. Follow me" I say pulling him up then meeting up with the rest of the group.
"Ok now that we are all here don't ask where we are." I say looking at Delirious who has his mouth open ready to say something.

" I think we're in Fnaf" Lui states looking around
"But how's tha-" I am once again cut off by the sound of metal and screeching then a little "hello". That is not okay. This has to be a joke. Yes it's a joke it all makes sense now! Guess I'll play along.

Everyone looks around trying to find the source of the sound. All I could hear is someone yelling 'run!' before I was pulled up by Delirious.
We ran around the pizza place until we finally found the office where I decide to close both doors hoping nothing will open them. I mean, not like anything is gonna hurt me, but guess I shouldn't take any chances.

"What do we do" Nogla asks.
"I don't wanna deal with any animatronics eating my face then stuffing me into a suit" he  paces around the room.
Vanoss checks the windows beside both doors then opens them declaring it safe. Gotta save power I guess. Delirious is holding me close whispering calming things into my ear and Lui is checking the cameras. Maybe the cameras caught Delirious hitting his head! Priceless.

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