Are you jelly?*

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I'm playing Hide N' Seek with my friends and lovely boyfriend. I'm hiding in a dark corner with Vanoss watching Delirious chase Nogla right in front of me trying to hold back my laughs. He doesn't even know I'm here in my super secret hiding spot!

"DELIRIOUS YOU BITCH!" Nogla yelled after finally being caught by delirious making me burst into hysterics with Vanoss.

"Y/N where are you? We can have some fun if you know what I mean" Delirious said and I could practically hear the smirk in his words.

"She's with me" Vanoss taunted chuckling. Oooh, jealous Delirious is a funny Delirious. Also one who is bad at hide and seek, good thinking Vanoss.

"Yeah I'm already having some fun." I began laughing with Vanoss while Delirous grumbled under his breath.

I noticed Delirious trying to subtly move towards Vanoss and I. Nogla was somewhere else looking for Mini or doing god knows what.

"She's cheating on you Delirious" Mini added in laughing, a little late if you ask me.

"She wouldn't do that right (Y/N)?" Delirious asked getting distracted. I took it as a chance to get away and while running looked back to see Vanoss get caught, well what can I say he brought it on himself.

"YESSSSS!" Nogla screamed stretching out the S, he finally found Mini.

"Why do I suck so much?!" Mini exclaims angrily making me giggle.

"Your never going to find me" I taunted smirking. I'm too speedy
"If you say so" Delirious mumbled.

I turned around confidently and took my hands off the keyboard then screamed when Delirious tagged you. What kind of terrible boyfriend is this. He's obviously supposed to protect me! Gosh.

"Are you Serious Delirous?" I yelled when the game ended.

"That Rhymed!!" Nogla yelled making every one laugh except me.

After some more games and banter we all said our goodbyes and uploaded our seperate video.


Delirious and I are cuddling in bed and i. smiled knowing that he will always be there for you. Actually... nevermind, he tagged me in hide and seek.

"You never answered my question (y/n)" Delirous said seriously. We literally weren't talking...

"What do you mean?" I asked looking up at him and i could see a slight frown on his face.

"About Evan..." He said looking around sheepishly.

"Is Delirious jealous of his friends?" I teased smirking. Jealous delirious is usually adorable.

"I just don't want to lose you" he whispered quietly. I kissed his cheek and smiled.

"Delirous I love you and only you no one can take that away even if they are as attractive as Evan." I teased, he frowned and pushed me away.

"I'm kidding don't be so jelly your way hotter." I giggled winking and kissing his cheek.

"Good because I think if I lose you I won't function. You're everything to me and you make me fooood. I love you" he said drifting off.

"I love you too."

I'm Delirious For You (H2O Delirious X Reader oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now