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Well, I'm never coming back from this. Why didn't I just say something? I just looked over the balcony-like area of the internet to look at whatever I could see. So many ads came out giving me offers but I ignore them all. But I'll never have a moment like that with Candy ever again. Then again, moments like that can do a lot.

'It only takes a moment for your eyes to meet and then your heart knows in a moment you will never be alone again,' I said, 'I held him for an instant but my arms felt sure and strong. It only takes a moment to be loved a whole life long...'

I gave an amused hum, "Isn't the world full of wonderful things? I have lost so many things, my game, my future, everything that people think is important, but I dont care! 'Cause even if I have to dig ditches for the rest of my life, I should be a ditch digger who once had a wonderful day!"

"Hey miss do you mind, I came in late, right after it only",' an advertiser said

'...Takes a moment!' the rest joined in, 'For your eyes to meet and then your heart knows in a moment you will never be alone again. She held him for an instant but her arms felt sure and strong. It only takes a moment--'

'You held me for an inthtant but your armth felt thafe and thtrong,' Candy said making me look over at him, 'It only taketh a moment to be loved a whole life long.'

'And that is all that love's about,' I said approaching him

'And we'll recall when time runth out.'

'That it only took a moment to be loved a whole life long!' we both said

"Look, I'm sorry for running off. I shouldn't-"

"Don't apologize. I underthtand," Candy said smiling

And he kissed me. I was shocked at first but kissed back. When we pulled away, we finally confessed properly. I think this went well. We soon returned to the arcade and life went back to normal. Well, normal for everyone else. As I was dating Candy, I was made a princess. Not that I took that for granted. I actually didn't change much when I was made a princess. I was still the same Chimney Sweep the whole Arcade knew. But, as the years passed, I was soon upgraded to queen because, well, Candy proposed to me. I loved him too much to say no.

Unfortunately, we were soon hit with the reality that not even Sugar Rush can stay around forever. We were becoming less popular as the years went on and 2020 didn't help much when arcades were closed down because of a virus keeping everyone at home. This did give the arcade an opportunity to upgrade some of the games. So, many games had been unplugged, including ours. I felt sorry for everyone in the unplugged games for now they had no homes. Most characters stayed in other games but we had a whole community to worry about.

Well, I had an idea. I suggested to Candy that we lived with the princesses over in the internet. Did I forget to mention they were open to letting us stay with them should anything happen? Well, they did. So, we took them all there and, if anything, any Disney games on the internet were happy for the extra characters. Yes, it wasn't the same as our game but it was better than nothing. I'm just happy to be with Candy in a safe place instead of having to worry about getting caught in other games. As long as I have Candy, I'm happy being in the internet. And he was too.

We're all happy


Candy is dandy but love is sweeter (King Candy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now