Chapter Seven: A day to remember

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This feels amazing! I feel important. I feel loved. I've never felt like this before. I guess that's the disadvantage of being an extra. Candy pulled up next to me, took his helmet, gloves and goggles off and ran up to me. He lifted me off the hood and spun me around in a hug. I giggled as he did. This is new to me but I love it. He soon let me go with a big smile on his face.

"You won!" Candy said smiling.

"I know! It feels amazing! Is this what it feels like to be the main character?" I asked smiling.

"Yeth. And look!" Candy pointed to the leaderboard.

I look and I was there. I was now a playable character for Sugar Rush! I know I shouldn't do this but I'll never have this feeling I'll never feel again. And would it hurt to play in a different game when no one would even notice me in my game? Probably not. And I get to spend time with my new friend. Well, I know what I'm doing tomorrow morning. I'm racing in Sugar Rush! I looked back at Candy and smiled. I also noticed I got soot on his beautiful clothes.

I pointed it out but he said it was fine. Good. I got a little nervous there. I wanted to look like myself for this but I don't want to take the risk of being caught by a certain practically perfect nanny. I told Candy this and we drove back to the castle. Turns out he prepared for this because I was presented with maybe a hundred different outfits to make me look like a Sugar Rush character. Wow, he's really thought this through. They were all different styles. There were some extra, big, simple, princessy, and some weird ones.

So many to choose. It's hard to choose just one. I soon chose one that, still felt like me but also had the Sugar Rush theme. It had a sort of olden day cottage girl look and I had an umbrella to go over my shoulder like my Chimney Sweep brush. I did have a bath though because I'm still covered in soot and us Chimney Sweeps don't have much to properly clean ourselves. But, I felt very clean after that bath. But I look great now.

No more chimney sweep clothing which is all just hand-me-downs and abandoned clothes. We make do with what we have. When the arcade opened again, I was there to race. I was chosen a few times and it was weird being controlled by someone else. Granted, I was partly in control when we were about to crash. Still can't regenerate. Just being careful. I got a few wins, a few losses but I overall had a great time. And a part of me wonders if Candy is purposely losing for me.

Don't get me wrong, he is a great racer but every time he's in front and I'm catching up to him, he'll fall back and let me pass every time. Just something I couldn't help noticing. Once the arcade had closed, we had one last race. The race to decide who will be a playable character tomorrow morning. As I had won, I had a coin to complete again. And that's what I did. I competed in the race again and I don't regret it. Not one bit. I didn't get first this time but I definitely didn't get last. I'm a character again tomorrow.

"And you were afraid to race with uth," Candy teased.

"Oh shush. I'd rather race than be in the background, trust me," I said smiling.

Candy smiled at me.

"So, what do you do after a successful day?" I asked.

"Umm...." Candy tried to think of something, "well, nothing really."

"Seriously? Right. Come with me. We're going to Tappers for a fun time," I took his hand and we made our way out.

I didn't even want to bother with changing. I wanna show it off. We made our way to Tappers where Edith and the people who play music for me to sing to were there. Have they been waiting for me since the day after I met Candy? Huh. What dedication. Tapper and I said hello after days of me being away and I went to my friends. I introduced them all to Candy and they were happy to meet him.

For the most part, we just sat around, talked and had a drink. Candy and I refused them so we didn't drink. Of course, I was soon asked to sing. Specifically for Candy. Well, I couldn't refuse, honestly. I sang a few songs, Candy enjoyed them all and we even sang a few together. I just finished one called Hey Good Lookin' by Hank Williams when this conversation happened.

"Hey, sing that Norwegian song of yours," Edith said smiling.

I looked at her, "pardon?"

"That Norwegian song. You know. When she sing, she sings, come home,' Edith sang a bit.

"Oh, for god- no, I won't sing that. You know why I sang it the first time and that didn't go very well, did it?"

"You sang it for your crush who didn't like you back like 30 years ago. Just sing it. For the King, at least."

"He probably doesn't understand Norwegian so what would be the point?"

"I'd like to hear it anyway," Candy said smiling.

I looked at him sitting on the bar table, "you're sure?"

"Anything thung by you ith beautiful. So yeth, I'm thure."

I smiled, "alright."

I counted down then started to sing the song.

'Når hun synger hun synger kom hjem. Men trærne danser og fosserne stanser. When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings, she sings come home. Men trærne danser og fossene stanser. Når hun synger hun synger kom hjem. Men trærne danser og fosserne stanser. When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings, she sings come home,' I quickly shushed everyone for the next, soft verse.

'I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene. Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem,' I looked at Candy 'I eplehagen står møyen den vene og synger "når kommer du hjem?"' I took his hand and looked into his eyes.

We just stared into each other's eyes for a second. What am I doing? He probably doesn't like me back. I don't even know if I love him because I've never actually felt it. I guess I should move on.

'Men trærne danser og fossene stanser. Når hun synger, hun synger kom hjem! Men trærne danser og fossene stanser. When she sings, she sings come home. When she sings, she sings come home. To King Candy everybody!" I laughed a little as everyone raised their glasses to him.

From there, we had a wonderful time. But, an hour or so before the arcade opened again, everyone left to their own games. Candy asked if I was coming with him but I wanted to stay awhile. Maybe talk with Tapper about something. Candy said that was fine and left for Sugar Rush.

Candy is dandy but love is sweeter (King Candy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now