Chapter Five: To the other side

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Time to sneak out to meet up with Candy. What adventure does he have planned for me? I can't wait to see what it is. Love a bit of mystery, me. I arrived there and met him at the castle where he was pacing. Most likely waiting for me.

"Your favourite Chimney Sweep has arrived, your majesty," I said smiling.

"Ooh! There you are! I wath afraid you weren't coming," Candy said smiling.

"I'd never pass the chance to see my favourite King. Especially when he says there's going to be adventure involved!"

"Yeth! But I have to prepare you for that tho give me a moment then we'll go thomewhere," Candy skipped off past a curtain

I waited in the throne room. What is Candy up to? It's almost worrying at this point. But I quickly used this opportunity to look at his cart throne. It so impressive how it's been made. But his cart is beautiful. I wonder what it's made of. Or how it was made. Or how it even runs since it's made of candy! So many questions and mysteries in this game. I love it! I was tempted to get in but I didn't want to spoil the white finish, or sugar?

Whatever it is, with the soot on my clothes. When Candy got back, he told me to get in his cart! Obviously, I told him my concern about the soot but he didn't even care. Usually, people complain when I leave soot around. Candy just said that he'll have it cleaned later so I shouldn't worry. Just hearing that assurance made me feel happier. He helped me in before getting in himself, put a pair of goggles on and drove out of the castle.

I've never been in any form of a cart before, not even a carriage, so I held onto Candy actually scared. I'm never scared. He noticed and tried to comfort me. It helped a little but it didn't 100% help. We soon arrived at a factory that looks like it hasn't been used in a long time. Candy got access in and brought me to a room that was pitch black.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"To make a cart for you," Candy said jumping on a red button on the floor.

Cart options lit up around us.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"You wanted an adventure, well, I'm giving you one. That meanth making a cart for you," Candy said smiling.

"You're asking me to go Turbo. And for what? An adventure that will get me killed or worse, permanently stuck in my game so this never happens again. And doing this might get Sugar Rush unplugged too! Besides, I don't even know how to drive!"

"I'll teach you how to drive. And I'm doing thith tho you and your game can thtay a while longer. Ath for my game, I'll cover for you thaying you're a tetht update. I want to give you an adventure worth remembering. Pleathe? And maybe, if the playerth like you, you can race full time."

"I'm not a racer! I'm a chimney sweep! I clean chimneys, I get hated on and I stick in the background because that's where I belong! I'm a background character! I've always descended to be one! I know you have good intentions but this is coming with the risk that we'll both end up game-less!" Candy looked sad at my argument, "look, tell me what you've done so far to make this happen and maybe, just maybe, I'll change my mind."

"I made you a new code to be a playable character, I've already explained to the other racerth that you'll be racing, and I've had this bakery ready for you to make your cart."

He's really thought this through. I actually feel awful that I want to refuse this opportunity. But I'm thinking of Sugar Rush. If players find out that I'm not part of Sugar Rush at all, this sweet game will be unplugged forever. And I don't want to be the cause of that. But, at the same time, I want to do this. Oh, I'm gonna have to do it, aren't I?

Candy is dandy but love is sweeter (King Candy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now