Chapter Ten: Getting her back

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I was in (Y/N)'s old room with her pet snail in my hand. Her game is due to be unplugged in an hour. I have the urge to go there just to see her one last time. But I don't think I should. No, I must. I have to tell her how I feel before it eats away at me forever. I put the snail back, cleaned my hand and raced over to the entrance to Sugar Rush. I took the train to Gane Central Station but something was wrong. Every character for Mary Poppins Chimney sweep adventure was there. I thought they were all going with the game. I found Edith and came over. She was trying to convince Mary to do something but she wouldn't listen.

"Edith! What'th happening? I thought you were all going with your game," I said.

"Mary tricked (Y/N)! She's in there alone with no clue this is happening! She won't let me go back to get her," Edith said.

"Mary ith... trying to kill (Y/N)!" I realized in horror, "I have to thave her!"

"Be quick! Litwak came to the arcade early!"

No! No, no, no, no, no! Not giving it a second thought, I ran in, ignoring Mary's attempts to stop me. I have to save (Y/N) before it's too late. I arrived in the game. It's weird to see it all abandoned like this. Trying to remember the way, I ran to (Y/N)'s flat. Once I found it, I ran in, to the top floor. She was there, looking as beautiful as she did at the ball. She didn't change. I can't admire it now. I have to get her out of here!

She was shocked to see me but I quickly explained the situation and dragged her out of the flat. She just followed me. And Edith wasn't lying about Litwak being here early. We saw him on the screen so we started to run. Of course, because of the big dress and the fact she's not used to one, (Y/N) tripped and fell. I just picked her up and continued running to the exit. We made it out just in time.

But just barely because the plug was pulled. I put her down and she watched the plug get removed from the socket. But then turned to Mary absolutely infuriated. I was too. Mary Poppins is supposed to be a kind and caring nanny but she just left (Y/N) alone to die with her game and didn't even tell her! That's just cruel! (Y/N)'s been through enough without this stunt that Mary pulled on her. Glaring at Mary, I took (Y/N) back to Sugar Rush. I don't want her to be part of any more drama today. She did win the Random Roster Race but I'm not going to let her today. She needs to relax from all this nonsense.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Candy wouldn't let me race today so, I may as well make the most of my time. And I know what to do. I'm going to make a little fair for everyone to enjoy. And I may as well ask for my fellow sweeps for help with that. I told them my plan, while making sure Mary was doing... anything else, and they agreed to help me out. So, I took them into Sugar Rush and we prepared a whole fair to help everyone forget what just happened and just to have some fun.

Once we had it all set up, we let some of the chimney sweeps and the Banks children have some fun while we waited for the others. I decided to watch the race from Candy's personal bleacher. I was back in my Chimney Sweep outfit because, as much as I love the outfits Candy gives me, I still love my original clothes. I watched race after race until it was finally closing time.

Then, they all did the Random Roster Race. Candy won, obviously. I then went down to meet him. He asked why I wasn't at the castle but I just told him, the racers and the people watching to follow me to the fair. When he saw what me and the sweeps made together, he was shocked.

"You... you did all thith?" Candy asked.

"With the help of my fellow sweeps," I said smiling, "I just want you all to have fun, and forget what happened this morning. We have games, some small rides, food and we even have some balloons for anyone who likes them."

Candy is dandy but love is sweeter (King Candy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now