Chapter Six: The Random Roster Race

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(A/N: Your cart above. I did a bit of editing to it so that's why it kinda looks bad)

A bakery was revealed. Where're the karts? I asked him and he says we have to make one! Um, I didn't know that. And it's like a mini-game! We have one minute to make it and win it. Yeah, no pressure. Saving you the boring details of making it, it was very difficult. But we worked together and made it perfect. Well, as perfect as it can be with my creative imagination. Which isn't all that creative. But, we're going with it. And I like that I have something of my own design now instead of your common sweep brush.

Now how do you drive this thing? With the room we had in the bakery, Candy taught me everything I needed to know for the real track. It took me a while but I soon got the hang of it. Then he led me to the actual track to start the real race. Or so I thought, anyway. We just parked our carts and he took me to one of the stadiums. The tallest one, anyway. From there, we waited. The crowds cheering got louder and louder after a while. Wait, I'm going Turbo in front of a crowd?! Mary is definitely gonna find out about this. But how are the other racers going to react to this? I almost don't want to know. Soon enough, Sour Bill got everyone's attention.

"Citizens of Sugar Rush. All hail, our rightful ruler King Candy," Sour Bill said in a bored tone

"Hallo, my loyal thubjects! Have thome candy!" Candy threw some candy to the people watching, "Thank you for that thtirring introduction, Thour Bill. And thank you to today'th avatarth. It wath a wonderful day of racing. It was.. but now the Arcade ith closed tho it'th time to wipe the thlate clean and race to decide our new roster."

The board that showed nine racers, Candy included, made all nine disappear for the new racers.

"The firtht nine racerth to cross that finish line.. ..will represent Thugar Rush ath tomorrow'th avatar!"

Wait! So if I'm in the top nine, I get to race in the morning with everyone else? Oh goodness. Mary is definitely gonna catch me racing. The people of Sugar Rush started chanting for the race to start.

"Calm down! Listen, this event is pay to play. We all know thith. The fee to compete ith one gold coin from your previous winningth, if you have won Which," Candy laughed a little, "I have!"

Wait, I need a coin to compete? But I've never won or raced in Sugar Rush so how is he getting me to compete?

"Umm, Candy. Small problem with your plan. I don't have a coin. I've never raced before," I said.

"I have multiple cointh from past winningth! You can uthe one to get in the race with us," Candy smiled and gave me a coin with a crown carved out in the middle.

He then took me near the edge so people could see me, "everyone! Thith ith (Y/N) from Mary Poppinth Chimney Thweep Adventure. The game acroth from uth. She will be racing with uth today and, if she maketh it in the top nine, when the arcade openth again!"

He's so excited. Now I don't want to break his heart and no to this opportunity. For good luck, we shook hands and I tossed the coin. It bounced on some pads and into the big trophy above the finish line. Then my name came up on the leaderboard! I'm gonna be in the race! Candy and the other put their coins in and they were all ready for the race too. Well, obviously. It's their game. Candy and I went to our carts and got in. I was very, very nervous. I don't think that handshake will be enough for what I'm about to do.

I look at Candy who was in his cart next to me and I think he noticed my nerves. He blew me a kiss in hopes that would work. I think I blushed. Then we were off! Candy was far ahead and we had barely started. That'll be fun to try to catch him. I tried going a little faster while other racers passed me. But I soon started to get scared. We were at a curved area with gumball machines dispensing really large gumballs. Oh goodness. If I get hit, I'm not going to regenerate. And, to make matters worse, there were also surprise boxes.

Someone managed to get one and a giant ice cream appeared. They fired it like a catapult just barely missing Candy. And I just managed to dodge the racer that was hit. Candy took one of those mystery boxes too and it was some sort of gun that I heard was a heat seeker. I'm actually happy to be behind him. But, with fewer racers now, I caught up. I used a booster to get me ahead. But not too far ahead. Candy was in first like the day we met. He is good at this. I caught up with three other racers.

I recognized them as Taffyta, Candlehead and Rancis. Taffyta had made it clear, even before we started this race, that I was not welcomed at all. I'm almost scared to try to pass her. Taffyta made Candlehead do something to slow me down. There were cherries at the edge of the mountain we were driving up so Candlehead lit them up to make them into cherry bombs. They all blew up as I barely passed them. I knew doing this would be a bad idea. But I've already come so far. I can't stop now.

We entered a tube. Hmm... what if I used one of my abilities? Not that I use it often. An ability I was given was I can walk up walls and make it feel like I'm right side up. I can do it with other characters too but I tend not to. And I don't do it myself because it's just showing off. So, making sure the ability worked on a cart, I started racing upside down! It does work! I passed the three, got to the normal level and flew out the tube! Alright, from here on out, no more cheating. I'm one place away from passing Candy. Can I? Should I?

Let's see how he takes it anyway. We continued to a land of just ice cream. I remember this place. Candy showed me it. I'm almost ready to pass him. Let's see how well he takes it. Well, I did and he looked over to see who passed him. He saw it was me and smiled. Even cheering me on! Wow. I guess he can accept losing. We continued the race with him behind me, not even trying to catch up. We drove inside the ice cream mountain to a rainbow road rollercoaster-like track. It was actually really fun.

The rainbow road ended and the race was almost over. Hold on, if I win, I'm in the race during gaming hours. I slowed down to tell Candy this. He assured me that I'd be fine and he can put a disguise on me to look like a Sugar Rush character if that made me more comfortable. I mean, maybe. I'll try it after. I sped up to win this race. I crossed the finish line first. I won. I actually won a race! I've never been so happy! I stopped my cart and stood on the hood as the other characters cheered for me. Is this what it feels like to be a playable character?

Candy is dandy but love is sweeter (King Candy X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz