Chapter Four: He visits (Y/N)

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So, happy to know that when I bumped into Turbo yesterday, he took my letter! The letters mean absolutely nothing but I don't want anyone reading them. Not even Candy. How do I know Turbo took my letter? 1: it wasn't in my pocket and 2: someone found it next to Turbo. A dead Turbo because he died outside his own game. And when that happens, you don't regenerate. Ever. So now everyone who found my letter thinks that Turbo and I were friends! Can this day get any worse? Oh wait, IT CAN!

Poppins heard about it and is trying to make me stay in our game! I have a hangout day with Candy today. I can't miss this! He's the first real friend I've had besides Edith. But I'm only obeying her for a day then I'll leave. I'll have to disappoint Candy. I was in my small flat just laying on my bed. Being confined is so boring. No one to talk to, nothing to do, and nowhere to go. Well, there are millions of places to do all three but I've seen it all, seen all the secret paths. There's nothing new.

"Knock knock. Stop being depressed," Edith said from outside my door.

"You're one to talk, E. Come in," I said

She walked in. With Candy behind her! What's he doing here?

"You brought King Candy to my dump of a home?" I asked sitting up.

"Maybe you should tidy up more often," Edith said.

"Thith ith how you live?" Candy asked me.

"I'm a Chimney sweep. We're not exactly first class. But we get the best view than any game in the world!" I said smiling.

"Better than the cathtle'th view?" He asked smiling.

"I once climbed Big Ben. You can see everything from up there. 'Course, getting down wasn't as easy as getting up. But the view was completely worth it."

"Can I thee? Not from Big Ben but maybe thomewhere else?"

I gave Edith a look.

"No! Absolutely not!" Edith said.

"How else can we get to the rooftops without going up the chimney?" I asked.

"You are really no good with royalty. You're going to get him covered in dirt and soot! Take the ladder!"

"That rusty thing? No!"

"I'll go up the chimney," Candy said.

"Great!" I said smiling.

I stood up and gave him a spare brush I had. It makes it easier to get up the chimney. I'll explain in a minute. I took mine and went into the fireplace. I didn't have a fire going, thank goodness. I explained to Candy what to do before demonstrating. I started cleaning my exceptionally clean chimney then I was shot up to the roof. After a moment, Candy shot up covered in soot. The chimney may be quite clean but soot still finds its way onto people. Myself especially. I gave him a rag to clean himself up a little. Once he gave it back, I showed him my world.

A trackless jungle of smoke and rooftops just waiting to be explored! Of course, I've explored it all. But I'm exploring it all again for Candy. Showing him all the sights and wonders of London! And so that's what I did. I took him everywhere! I showed him the best views, the best places, places from the Mary Poppins film, met the locals, introduced him to some of the sweeps and overall had an amazing time. Being confined to the game has its perks. Candy looked amazed everywhere I took him. I even took him to a hidden bonus level no one has been to.

Bert's chalk drawings are still on the floor outside the park and you can go into them and have a good time with the local people and animals. I took him there where I proceeded to have a little fun and sing him Jolly Holiday. But with me instead of Mary. Candy enjoyed it very much. I loved seeing him happy. I then took him back to my place where I showed him little things I took from other games and my pet snail.

He thought it was strange that I had a pet snail as a pet but I had to explain that we weren't allowed any real pets because of how much we had to take care of one. So I have a snail. Doesn't need much to look after, really. Just something to drink, greens and little attention. Easy peasy. Plus, most of the time, I'm not in the game so it's good he doesn't need much care.

"Your game ith very beautiful," Candy said smiling.

"I guess so. I don't care for it anymore as I've seen everything in the game," I said, "that's why I go to other games. I want to see something new and explore something new. Fifty years of the same game gets boring."

"You dream of more than what you have."

"I have a million dreams. A million dreams of the life I want when I'm not being an extra. But I'm a Chimney sweep. I'll never get more than what I have now. I'll only be free to achieve dreams once this game is gone forever. We've barely been surviving. We maybe have two and a half weeks left to make some money before we're unplugged. But we can't get anyone attention because we're so old and unpopular. And the newest movie of Mary Poppins, Mary Poppins returns, everyone came back to the game but hate it because it's not like the new film. I hate this game. And Mary is toxic. Why do you think I've been here instead of your game for our hang out day?"

"You have a thtrong opinion of your own game. Do you really hate it that much?"

"I'd rather be eaten by PacMan than stay another day here." 

"Then I'll give you another option. Come to my game tomorrow morning before the arcade openth and I'll give you a real adventure. Trutht me."

A real adventure? How could I possibly say no? I agreed to come to Sugar Rush and see what this new adventure will be. We talked some more before he left because the arcade was opening again. I'm being forced to stay here today. I don't see why. I don't have any part of the story besides being an extra. I'll just listen to Miss Not-So-Practically-Perfect-In-Every-Way for now. And get excited for tomorrow.

Candy is dandy but love is sweeter (King Candy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now