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George and Julie arrived at Demon's Rocks and pulled the boat up the small cove to the top of the beach. They looked around and there was Roland at the top of a cliff

''Up here, come on'' he said to them

They rushed up the cliff and there was Roland waiting

''I bet you're surprised to see me again aren't you Georgina?''

George pretended like he didn't already know about this ''Yeah what a shock, and what do you want then Roland?''

''I want to make you suffer of course'' he said with a wicked laugh and pointed a gun at George  ''Don't worry I won't use the gun on you, it's just protection so that you won't try anything I'm glad that wretched dog isn't here or I'd have shot it. come with me I have something to show you''

George and Julie followed Roland along the clifftop, George was terrified that Roland might have killed the others already and that he was going to show them three bodies. But to George's relief, the others were still alive. However, to his horror, they were also tied up and lying right at the edge of a clifftop, just one shove and they would go over the edge. Or if part of the cliff fell away they could go down with it too, they were so near the edge their feet were almost hanging over the edge, it was very dangerous 

''I will give them a push and they will fall and drown in the water'' Roland said with a grin ''they are tied and can't swim, the water will take them away forever and you will get to watch it and you cannot do a thing to save them. I'll let you live but you will have a life of pain. I mean, after all, you already lost Liam and Julie told me about Timmy being put down...and I know about that terrible boy Ryan and his stupid father killing Dick. Of course, I was very pleased about it but what a shame I couldn't kill him myself! Still, at least now I can kill Julian and Jake! Then I'll find Quentin and kill him too and Anne and Fanny will be mine again!''

''And you're killing Chloe for the fun of it are you?'' George asked calmly. He wanted to run and push Roland over the cliff but he knew one step towards him would be too dangerous but Julie had the gun that Roland didn't know about and all George could do was hope that Julie would not let him down 

''I feel sorry for poor Chloe of course'' Roland said sadly ''she just did not know that marrying Julian would be so deadly. But yes I have to kill her too, the more deaths you have to live with the better ''

''Roland you are a very sick man'' George said ''You are really very ill indeed''

Julie walked over and stood next to Roland

''Roland is great'' Julie said and gave him a kiss ''He is my hero, he told me all about you George, you thief you stole everything from me, my identity and everything, I should have been George not you!''

George's heart sank, it seemed Julie had lied and deceived him and was still under Roland's spell and Julie had the other gun. George felt sheer panic and despair now, there would be nothing he could do to save the others now  

Roland looked so smug and arrogant

''Let's push the others over the edge together'' Julie said gleefully ''I'll enjoy this!''

''I am proud of you Julie'' Roland said with a smile ''I taught you well and you have been a great pupil''

''Well you have been an awesome teacher, I should be calling you Sir Roland! That's how magnificent you are Sir Roland!''

''Sir Roland? Oh yes, I like that, I like that a lot, I am Sir Roland!''

Oh this really was the limit, George felt like throwing up by now

3. GEORGE TURNS 18 (3rd and final ''George'' story)Where stories live. Discover now