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A few weeks later George decided it was time to follow Julian and move into his own place with Jake. It was sad to move out of the family home but the time was right. Anne was sad to see George and Timmy go.

''Everything's moving very fast now'' George told Jake when they were settled in ''I am getting my hormone replacement therapy, at last, and we're engaged, I have nearly finished training as a mechanic and we have our own home. It really feels amazing''

''Today I am happier than you could ever know Jake said with a smile

''Me too''

George started getting closer to Julie. Julie seemed like a very lonely person and George couldn't help but want to help her. He invited Julie around for dinner and to meet Jake one night.

Julie arrived at the flat with a bottle of wine

''I hope you like red?'' she said ''this is a nice label too''

''Thank you'' George said

George introduced Julie to Jake

''George has spoken about you a lot'' Jake said ''you seem to have become good friends quite fast''

''Well George is very kind and a good friend'' Julie said ''He listens to my problems and helps me all the time. I suffer a lot with depression you see and George has been absolutely great, really''

''George is the best''

''I agree''

Timmy barked and wagged his tail, he agreed too

''Stop it you three, you'll give me a big head'' George said with a laugh  

They ate dinner, cooked by Jake

''You're a good cook Jake'' Julie told him

''Oh isn't he just'' George agreed ''It's so nice to have a good cook as a fiance. I am a lousy cook, always have been so it's good that Jake can cook, Back at home my mother and my sister Anne we the good cooks, my father brothers, and I all did that male thing of being lousy at it and leaving it to the women''

''Did you always know you were a boy then George?'' Julie asked

''From a pretty young age yes, I'd say from about age 4 or 5 I started to feel it, I rejected dolls and all that crap my sister played with, I preferred my brother's action man toys and such''

''It was around the same age I started realizing I wanted to be a girl'' Julie said ''that's when I started playing with my sister's dolls and stealing her clothes and make-up. When my father caught me doing it he beat me senseless with a belt and told me that no son of his would ever be a cissy boy. He banned me from doing it again and tried to force me to be more like a boy but it never worked, then when he caught me doing it in secret he beat me again each time, he was very abusive''

George and Jake sat in silence, horrified

''Ju, I'm sorry'' George said at last ''that is awful, absolutely awful'' 

''It's ok I don't have nightmares about it as much as I used to'' Julie said trying to sound upbeat and failing quite miserably

''I was lucky'' George continued ''My parents didn't take it well at first but they never beat or abused me for it''

''Yes, well like I said before you really have been most fortunate indeed compared to me'' Julie said sounding bitter and resentful despite trying to hide it ''I tell you George you really have been much luckier than you realize''

George seemed uncomfortable and Jake too

''Oh there I go again'' Julie said with a sigh ''there I go sounding all bitter and resentful again. Oh George I'm sorry you know I don't mean it, I just can't seem to stop myself from slipping into these bouts of self-pity at times''

''I know Ju and it's ok I understand  

''Well then, how do you like our flat?'' Jake asked feeling it was time to move the conversation on

''I love it, I wish I had a nice flat like this'' Julie said

''Don't you have a nice place then?'' Jake asked curiously

''Well no not really very nice'' Julie said with a sigh and bowed her head ''You see my place is so old and run down and Harold and i...Harold is my boyfriend....just don't have the money to do it up. we are so poor. It's terrible really, sometimes we have no hot water when the old boiler has one of its funny turns''

''Oh Ju, you should have told me it was this bad'' George said feeling awful ''I want to help you if I can''

''There is nothing you can do and I wouldn't dream of asking. In fact, I want to help you instead, I want to buy you some furniture for this flat''

Ju we don't expect you to do that, even less so after what you just told us''

''But I want to and I will not take no for an answer. George, you are my dearest friend and I will buy you a housewarming gift. In fact, we should go shopping and you can pick out what you want in the furniture store and I'll buy it for you!'' 

''Ju you are kind and generous'' George said with a warm smile 

''And you are my best friend George'' Julie replied

3. GEORGE TURNS 18 (3rd and final ''George'' story)Where stories live. Discover now