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I woke up and the sun was bright in the sky. I could smell my favorite coffee. I just knew was going to be a good day. Until my phone went off. My phone went off because Gossip Girl decided to post pages...pages I recognize. 'Poor Nate, he has high hopes for himself, but without his blue eyes and money, he would be the most boring person I've ever met.'

"Serena!" I shouted from my bedroom and she ran in looking confused. "Why is Gossip Girl posting pages from my diary?" I asked and shock ran over her face. "Answer me!"

"I may have had them on my computer."

"You put them on your computer! So, not only did you read my diary, but now my naked thoughts are posted for everyone!"

"Lena, I was never gonna publish them. I just wanted to know that I could. I was upset about you and Dan. And I'm so sorry. I never thought Gossip Girl would steal my computer with everything on it."

"Well, that makes me feel better! What am I going to do?" I went over to my window opening the top to the bench under it where all my books were.

"People are going to understand. Diaries are just where you put things you don't always mean. Like all terrible things you said about me, that's not how you really feel."

"It is now." My phone went off again and I looked at it feeling my rage only piling up. "Another day of wedding planning where my mother needs to make me small so she can be the star." I looked back at Serena. "There goes that relationship! No big deal! Who needs a mother?!" I pulled the books out of the bench and sending them onto the bed. "You better find a way to stop this before I lose everyone I ever cared about."

"I will, right away." Serena walked out and my phone started ringing. I looked to see Nate's name. Damn it.

I closed my eyes bracing myself as I answered the phone. "Hi, Nate."

"Blue eyes and money is all I got?" Nate asked and I let out a deep breath. I have never hated someone so much in my life like I do Serena right now.

'Blair is such a neurotic control freak that eventually Nate is going to bail and she'll somehow have to come to terms with how emotionally damaged she actually is.'

I was such a bitch. Rose and I were going through and marking bad things in my diaries and color-coding them per person. Well, important person. I was on the floor by the couch and surrounded by books. I heard heels walking into the living room. "Serena, they are still being posted!" I yelled, turning around to see Alanna holding William.

"This has something to do with your life history being all over the living room?" Alanna asked and Rose stood up taking William to get a snack. I swear I heard her say something about craziness.

"I'm trying to handle damage control." I let out a deep breath, picking up one of the books with a yellow tag marked in them. "Suffice it to say that I apologize in advance for anything that is negatively affected by the publication of my intimate musings." I stated and Alanna stared at me confused as she walked over to sit on the couch. I opened the diary, reading. "Alanna considers herself to be a genius, but a genius would know she's not capable of being a doctor. If she really wanted to help our parents she would save them money and skip college all around and perfect her stripper skills." I slowly looked back at her.

"Man, I knew you could be a bitch, but damn Lena!"

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Alanna took the book and looked at the date in the front. "That's from when you were thirteen. No one is going to care what you thought back then. Especially when you said meaner out loud at thirteen." Alanna slightly shrugged, handing the book back. "Everyone has said things they didn't mean."

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