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Serena walked towards the entrance of the church, seeing Chuck walking towards the door. "Chuck." Serena called out and Chuck looked over at her.

"I'm leaving. I won't ruin any more of her day." Chuck stated, going to walk away, but Serena quickly grabbed his arm stopping him.

"There's something I have to tell you. Well, there are two things you should know, but only one that might get her to realize what she's doing."

Chuck looked at her confused. "What are you talking about?"

Serena took a deep breath in. She couldn't just let Lena walk down the aisle without trying to help. "The night of the car accident Lena was so afraid you were going to die so she prayed that you would pull through and then you woke up. So now she's convinced that the only thing that will keep you alive is if she keeps her promise to God to never be with you again."

"She thinks I will die if we are together?"

Serena nodded. "Yeah, and I can't convince her otherwise, but maybe you can."

"I have to talk to her again."

"I'm going to go see if I can pull her away." Serena walked away from her. She wasn't sure how Lena would feel with her telling Chuck, but she knew that this was all a big mistake.

Alanna walked over to everyone still waiting for Lena to get off the phone and for the wedding to start. "Has anyone seen Lena?" Alanna asked and she was met with confused looks from all over the face.

"What do you mean?" Blair asked.

"I went back into the room and she's gone. She even left her cellphone." Alanna explained and the confusion seemed to all turn to shock.

"Did you check the bathroom or the dressing room?" Her mother asked.

"I checked the dressing room and the bathroom and she's not there." Alanna explained again.

Serena walked over to the group and they both looked over at her. "Serena, have you seen Lena?" Blair asked.

"Not since she got a call." Serena stated.

"Maybe she left with Charles." Genevieve said feeling a sense of guilt.

Patterson looked over at his wife confused. "Chuck? Why was Chuck here? Why do I miss everything?"

"I'll explain later." Genevieve brushed him off looking back at Lena's friends.

"I just talked to him. She wasn't with him." Serena stated.

"You guys, we have a wedding that is supposed to be happening right now." Alanna stated.

"Just because she wasn't with Chuck when you left him doesn't mean she won't call. Serena and I will see if we can track her down." Blair pointed out walking away with Serena.

"I'll go tell Louis." Genevieve stated.

"I'll go with. Someone is going to have to tell everyone there's a delay." Patterson stated, walking out of the room.

Once away from everyone Serena looked over at Blair. "Should we tell them about the contract?" Serena asked and Blair let out a deep breath.

"Not now. I doubt Lena would leave if she did have a backup plan." Blair said mainly out of hope.

Serena and Blair walked through the church, finding Chuck in the hall. "Chuck, have you heard from Lena?" Blair asked and Chuck looked at her confused.

"Serena said she was going to get her." Chuck stated.

Blair looked around making sure it was empty before leading them into a room away from anyone eavesdropping. "We can't find her. We have her phone, but no sign of her."

Gossip Girl (Book Five)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz