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I made it back home with Louis and, although I love being home, I think I miss not being in Monaco a little. I can't help it. I'm not ready for the real world to sink in. "How does it feel to be home?" Louis asked and I sat down on my bed.

"Oh, it's gonna be tough reacclimating. After living in a palace, how will a penthouse do?" Louis smiled, leaning forwards giving me a kiss. When he pulled back, I smiled at him. "But maybe we should skip the wedding planning and pull the blinds and just spend the day in bed?"

"We did that all summer. But we can't put off our parents any longer. Would a present help motivate you downstairs?" That's when I realized he was hiding something behind his back. He does this to me a lot.

He opened the box showing me a beautiful necklace. "How did you know just what I was missing?" I picked it up getting a better look. "Shall I wear it to your Uncle's speech at the general assembly tomorrow?"

"Unfortunately, you will not be allowed inside until you are an official member of the royal family." I sighed. The rules are very annoying. "Consider yourself lucky. Albert's speeches are stronger than Ambien."

"I do consider myself lucky. I'm living a fairy tale."

"But no heroine gets her happy ending without overcoming some obstacles, and this wedding will be no exception."

"A civil service and a religious ceremony? Who has ever heard of such a thing?! Our guests will be sitting longer than a Terrence Malick movie." I heard my mom yell from the living room.

"I'm your rock. You can count on me." Louis held out his hand and I took it walking together into the living room.

I knew that this wasn't going to be easy. Not with Sophie and then adding my mom into it. I couldn't even convince anyone else to come and help out. When I went to see Blair she said she was going to find a way to be busy, Serena is still in LA, and Alanna just said 'Hell no'. I hate all of them. "I see from your list of demands, Lena-" Sophie started to say before my mom cut her off.


Sophie just seemed to ignore her. "That you would like to have peonies in your bridal bouquet."

"They're my favorite flower." I stated.

"And they are very beautiful, but in our country, a bride always walks with carnations."

"To the nearest florist and demands a refund. I'll be holding peonies." I looked over at Louis. "Aren't I, Louis?" He didn't say anything. "Louis?"

"With you looking so beautiful, who will even notice the flowers?"

"Oh, Vogue Paris would like to have a photo of you in your wedding dress for their November issue." Sophie said and I looked over at her.

I did my best to hold in my dramatics. "Obviously, this is a very big deal as Vogue Paris is perhaps the best thing to happen to the world ever." I think I'm falling a little bit.

"Well, I know this is very short notice, but not to worry, because my dress is already on the plane here." Sophie said and I seemed to just freeze.

"Your dress?"

"Everybody has been married in this dress, from my great-grandmother on down." I am going to lose it. I'm gonna....I'm gonna lose it.

Sophie and my mom walked out of the room when my mom pointed out we should take a break. I took a deep breath in, looking over at Louis, who had finally decided to get up off the chair he was in. "Louis, I've already lost on the food, the flowers, you know how important choosing my dress is for me." I practically whined.

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