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I sat on my bed going through the thank you cards for the gifts I got from the shower with Rose. We were halfway done making good progress. "Why should I thank someone for a blender? Do I look like the kind of girl who makes margaritas? If I'm going to have a margarita, it better at least be made for me." I stated, finishing the card.

"Margarita sounds delicious." Rose said and I just shrugged, hearing my phone go off again. I grabbed my phone, seeing Blair and just letting it ring. I'm too busy for this. "Any correspondence from Mr. Louis?"

"No. I told you. He's doing missionary work with Father Cavalia in some nation without plumbing and waiting for my call." I stated, going through the thank you list.

"But wedding still on?"

"Of course it is. I still love Louis. I just want to marry the sweet prince who returned my Vivier slipper and made me believe in fairy tales, not one of the Brothers Grimm. Even Prince Charming can fall off a horse. But Louis still hasn't found his way back in the saddle. Shocking for someone schooled in classical dressage. I need this time apart to figure out where Louis went wrong and right it."

"Maybe he 'Freaky Friday' with Mr. Chuck. They struck by lightning or pee in fountain at same time."

Gross...I don't...where did that even come from. "That's incredibly unsanitary." Chuck! Genius! "But you may be on to the key to returning Louis' virtue." I slide the thank you cards towards her, standing up. "Finish these." I walked out of my room, grabbed my jacket, and hopped onto the elevator. There's only one place that is going to have my answers.

I walked into Chuck's penthouse to see him sitting on a yoga mat. Can't say this surprises me. Changed or not, Chuck Bass will do anything to get in someone's pants. "Namaste," I said, getting his attention. "Sorry to interrupt you getting into someone's yoga pants." I said and an old man walked out of the kitchen.

"Sri Sri Ravi, a moment, please." Chuck said and I waited for the man to leave before looking back at Chuck.

"An old, celibate, male yoga teacher? Your transformation really is astounding." I stated walking more into the room to stand my the couch, but Chuck didn't move from his spot. "Care to share how you gave up your bad Bass ways? How you went from Charlie Sheen to Charlie Brown, from Bar to Mitzvah?"

"There's no answer to that question. It's an evolution. What's really going on, Lena?"

I sighed. "Okay, if you must know, I'm trying to pinpoint the source of your light so I can pull Louis out of the darkness. You changed. So can he." I could see Chuck still trying to put up a fight and just sat down on the couch. "Chuck. I have all day." I smiled at him and Chuck sighed. And just like that, I win.

After some time to get Chuck to realize I wasn't going anywhere, he took me to his therapy appointment. Even then, I was getting nothing. It was basically a ton of...bull shit! Stuff I didn't care about and was not even a little helpful. "Chuck? Are you sure you're comfortable with Lena here?" Dr. Krueger asked and it took everything I had not to roll my eyes. I wouldn't be here if he was that uncomfortable.

"I don't believe I have a choice, which is why I'm controlling the information." Chuck stated.

"Which, thus far, has been a bunch of monkey business." I stated.

"I'm worried his licking himself is anxiety, that he's lonely."

"Enough." I snapped. "Assuming this is a 50-minute session, I only have 18 minutes left to get my answers."

"And what is it you're searching for, Lena?" Dr. Krueger asked.

I scoffed. "Nice try on the bait and switch, but I've had my fair share of downward spirals, I know how therapy works. What I need for you is to show me how you helped Chuck transform."

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