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The only ones in the house now were me and Rose. So I walked into the kitchen while she was making me some tea. "Rose, how many kids do you have?" I asked, leaning on the counter.

She looked at me a little confused. "I have three children. They're grown. You know that."

I nodded remembering she had three sons. "Yes, I forgot." I paused for a moment trying to think of the best way to phrase it. "You know, Dorota, Blair's maid is having another baby." Rose slightly nodded. "And that got me wondering." She poured me some tea, handing it over to me. "How long do you think her morning sickness is going to last because I'm sure that sucks. I can only imagine the mere discussion of food, not to mention the odor always making her want to puke her guts out."

"It should ease off in the first trimester."

"And what about breast sensitivity?"

She looked over at me with shock. I think I went too far. "Miss Lena, what is going on with you?"

I sighed. "I'm just curious. I've always been a curious person and I don't really wanna Dorota."

Rose stared at me, squinting her eyes at me. "You're pregnant. That's why you ask so many questions." I let out a deep breath and she looked at me in shock. "Why didn't you tell me that?"

"You can not utter a word about this." I stated. "No one must know. Well, at least not until I have some time to figure things out."

"I don't care what you say. I hug you anyway for luck." I smiled slightly and Rose hugged me. "And keep secret." That made me smile bigger.

Louis came back to join me for tea before his sister came to get him. I'm just trying to keep myself from throwing up all over the table. "I wish you could join me for the feast. The church celebrates with all of Monaco's favorite foods." Louis stated and I couldn't help but think about Beatrice coming. I don't want to meet her. I just don't want to throw up. "Lena?"

I looked over at him. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking about your sister."

"I know you two will love each other."

"Don't be so sure. My first impression on Grimaldi women thus far has been abysmal at best. Other than Blair and Serena, women not related to me don't like me. I blame my good looks."

Louis smiled, taking my hand. "Unlike Grimaldi men who fall in love the moment they see you, but don't worry. My mother and Beatrice never agree on anything. They make the brothers of Brunei look civil." I heard the elevator and Louis stood up from the table.

"At least we don't have harems." I turned around to see Beatrice. Louis stood up, hugging her and I stood up from my seat, smiling at her. "Beatrice, this is Lena."

"You are even more beautiful than the photographs in the paper." She quickly hugged me. I got the whiff of a scent and my stomach started to turn.

"The perfume..."I stated to say, taking a deep breath in and Beatrice smiled at me.

"It's Jasmine and clove oil from Africa." Beatrice reached into her back pulling out the body. "Do you like it?"

"It's powerful. Then I shall give you mine." She gave me the bottle. "I'll get more when I go back. I've always longed for a sister. Sit, sit. Tell me everything." We sat at the table and Beatrice, with her god-awful perfume, sat next to me.

I did my best to tell her as much as I could, but not really much of anything. I just want this to be over so I can go to bed. Time was up. Thank God! "My. Look at the time. I'm so disappointed that I can't spend all day with you before you rush off to your principality." I stated.

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