Chapter -13- A Night after.

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Ashram of MallyaSwami

The moment Riddhima and Vansh 's carriage reached to Rajguru Mallyaswami "s cottage, Riddhima was instantly pleased. The sun had set already, pouring its pinkish glow over the sky. The birds have returned to their nests.The cottage of Mallyaswami was not as grand and pompous like the palace, but it was cozy and homely. Riddhima, with her utmost devotion and respect touched his feet.
"Ayushmoti Bhava! ( Wish you a long life )
Kalyan Ho! ( Blessings)

The prudent elder man blessed him.
Vansh followed her,took his blessings as well.
"Mangal ho! Kalyan ho tumhara!"( Blessings)

Rajguru blessed him as well.
Mallyaswami signalled one of his disciple to arrange a room and some refreshments for the couple.
"I have some important discussions with you Guruji "

said Vansh in a serious tone.
"I know".

Mallya Swami told him smilingly.
"Have some food and take a rest for a while, We will be meeting after The SandhyaAarti (Special puja of the Evening)"

Mallya Swami's Room

" She has deceived us, Guruji! And you know I hate deceit and lies. She just swapped her place with the princess and get married to me". How could she just do it?."

" Calm down Vansh! Calm down! Rajguru patted his shoulder. "Sit!"

He indicated him to sit on the mattress near him.

'I cannot but be calm!Guruji! I beg your apology! I am answeing you back ".How may I supposed to tell you How much low I am feeling right now"!said Vansh disparagingly.

Vansh 's eyes were spitting fire,as he clenched his hands.

"How may I suppose to face everyone!" What answer I will give to the people of the state, to my family? What will I say Gurudev, I have not married the princess of Manyabhum but her Chapereon instead.?"
"Are you unhappy with the fact, Vansh, that she is of a lowly birth?

asked Mallya Swami to check his most favorite student's opinion.

"Certainly not Gurudev!".said Vansh immediately.
"You know very well that I dont believe in caste distinction. To me, everyone is equal, I am angry and hurt with the lie and the betrayal."

"Vansh!said Mallya Swami in a gentle warm voice. "I know, You are upset, and you may be angry with your queen, But who knows,.This marriage may in future, will be proven the best decision of your life ". Give things some time my Boy "! He smiled.
Vansh stood up, as he looked outside the rippling stream, glistening in the moonlight.

"I have given her seven days Gurudev, to stop me, to wage a war against Manyabhum,.which was supposed to be as a result of this betrayal. I will decide what to do after 7 days ".

As Vansh took leave from him. Mallya Swami smiled at his retreating figure.
He murmured -"These seven days are going to be the most eventful and auspicious days of your life. You,infact, Both you and Riddhima will be blessed with the most beautiful thing of the world -"Love " in the upcoming days.

When Vansh came into the room,dimly lit. Riddhima was sitting on a white mattress. Simply clad, with only the marital signs adorning her beauty . Had she not betrayed her,they would have enjoying some cozy private moments amidst this beautiful serene location.

"This place is so very beautiful Rajasaye". She said in a hushed tone,enjoying the beauty outside.
"Yes it is very beautiful, he said diacarding her silk stole .

" Do you come here often?" She asked him to initiate a conversation.
"yes". sometimes when I get free time" He said curtly.
"Did you have your dinner?"she asked.
"Yes"! he said .
"Do you want anything Rajasaye?It was her last effort to make a proper conversation.

"Stop it!! He suddenly shouted at her.

"Riddhima Dont try do that". Just sleep!
He growled in a low voice
"This is a very saint place Riddhima, and I dont want to lose my control here. You are not the one with whom you will chit chat so casually. We dont that share that relationship, I have married you, because you cheated me. But I didn't accept you as my wife.".

Roddhima trembled in fear.Her lithe body shook for a moment.
"I....I beg your apology...I..was just..".Riddhima 's voice choked.

She herself was amazed that Why she was feeling like crying at his rude words. He had let her live,inspite of the fact that what he has done!

Is that not enough! "

A sense if guilt was tormenting her to the core. She cleared her voice and said
"I beg your apology...I was just trying to make the situation comfortable. I know what I have done...and I am indeed sorry for that."
Vansh turned to her and all of a sudden pinned her to the mattress.
"I so wish I could forgive you."I am still unable to accept that these beautiful eyes are full of so much conciet, treachery and lies! Why Your eyes always tell a different story than the actual! "

Tell me Riddima! Did anyone force you to betray me!Did anyone threat you to betray me! Tell me Riddhima! Why did you lie?His strong grip was causing bruise in her soft arm.
"Aah! she cried. You are hurting me".she said.
"You have done that already". He growled. "Now tell me where Ragini is! and why did you need to take her place. I may give you mercy "
"I cannot disclose that Rajasayee". I am sorry. She replied.
Her eyes were ladened with tears and guilt. But she was not letting her control to be losened.
"You will still not tell me right?" He was a menacing in his tone.
"I told you i cant tell you that I am bound by promise "
"Fair enough, He left her hand.
"Then be prepared for the next move! Start thinking about how you gonna stop me". he gave her a predatory look.
"You have only a night to think Ranisaye". He said.
Precap- What will be the next move of Riddhima?

Now its time you to vote with all your forces. It takes a lot of efforts to write. But I think.I am not getting enough response that the story demands. So the next chapter will be only unlocked with 170 votes. Till then enjoy.

Happy Navratri!!

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