Chapter-12- The Art of Devotion

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The royal bed- Chamber

When Riddhima woke up in her bed, there was still an hour left for the breaking of the dawn. She glanced at her left. Vansh was sleeping in the corner of the bed, his half-naked body partially covered with a duvet. This was the only chance for her, to check him out. This was the first time, she carefully watched her husband. Lanky and towering frame, features sharp, accentuated beard, deep, piercing eyes that were blazing like fireballs last night. The memory instantly shuddered her. She admitted the fact that he was handsome. A man, having perfect abs and features. He is the almighty and the most powerful man of Udaykhetra.

Vansh turned right to his left, and to her dismay, the knot of his dhoti slid a little. A glance of his manhood peeked out in front of her, and in the next moment, she shut her eyes. If it is so fleshy and this big when it is in its dormant stature, what it will be turned out when it will be awakened?

Her cheeks turned pink by the mere thought of it. She is not here to think such gibberish; she now will have to live up to a mission, a task, almost impossible. She murmured the famous quote in her mind

"Half of a task is done if it has a good strategy ".

Despite everything, He had granted seven days. Time is running out, she needs to hatch a plan.

"Hatching a plan already?" Vansh's sonorous voice broke her reverie. He tied the knot of his Dhoti tightly and got down from the bed. Riddhima "s body got jolted, when he pulled  her near his torso. He grabbed her waist by  one hand, and in reflex she put hers on his shoulder. His manly cologne and piercing gaze was making her putty of his hand.

This is what she cannot lose -her control. Vansh tucked her hair strands behind her ears and murmur, "The first Bugel of the morning will be heard with the sunrise within seconds, and your time will start, , you have a whole day until the sun goes to the matinee. If you fail, I will send a warning to Manyabhum. The war will be waged as per as the challenge."

Riddhima was confused.

"Was it not supposed to be an entire day?"Then why he is mentioning about maitenee"?

Vansh smirked, as he apprehended her thoughts.

"Yes it is," he said.

"But you know what, I believe in settling scores evenly. It is a protocol to send a warning to the opponent, before waging a war, unless it's guerrilla warfare. No Kshatriya lifts up weapons after sunset. You might have betrayed me, which was definitely unfair, but when I play games, I always play fair, Ritisha!

"It's Riddhima!'

She mumbled, her eyes were softened with guilt.

"What is guerrilla Rajasaye?" she asked innocently and brushed off the rose petals that were stuck in his hair.

"Guerrilla warfare is a war tactic in which people fight against an organized army, hiding, in forests and mountains. It is only used when the opponent behaves unfairly in the war field"

Riddhima's eyes gleamed in excitement, she never thought, a man, that too, a king, will genuinely answer her query. This was something new that she experienced, quite unfamiliar with a practice in Manyabhum.

"That means you are acknowledging that Manyabhum has not done anything immoral"? she said in a confident tone.

Vansh looked at Riddhima in amazement for a while and said  in her mind,

"This girl still had the courage to answer him back?"

"Are you planning to distract me with all this mischief?" asked Vansh, arching his brow .

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