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(This song is from one of my favorite Animes.) 

07:40 Oct 6, 2022

Your Bradley and four others to the village of Dorohusk to drop off some soldiers.

(Time skip 10 minutes)

 all the soldiers get off the Bradleys and take up positions in the city, till a Russian transport truck rolls up.

Emma:  I got eyes on an enemy Truck, Y/N destroy it.

Y/N: Copy.

You swivel the turret toward the speeding truck and start shooting the 25mm,  the rounds rip the truck into shreds, then the truck explodes.

Then a large number of enemies appear.

Emma: Y/N, enemy infantry on the ground!

You start firing again,  turning some Russian soldiers into piles of blood and guts.

Emma: Alright Nate, Drive us forwards slowly.

The Bradley moves forwards, driving past small buildings and apartments.

Emma scans the area with her optic.

Emma: The Place looks empty.

Right after she said that a Russian soldier with an RPG fires a rocket.

Emma: RPG!!

The rocket hit's your tank's ERA, then out of nowhere another RPG  the engine which hurts Nate, but shrapnel hits your leg, and one hits Emma in the shoulder.

Emma: Guaaah, FUCK!!

On Radio: Emma's Bradley is hit!!

Rose's Pov

I hear on the radio that Emma's Bradley is hit,

On the radio: I see Emma dragging Y/N out!

I cover my mouth to what I'm hearing, 

On Radio: Y/N is hit badly!

Another soldier on the radio: WE NEED AIR SUPPORT!!


You hold your leg, due to the shrapnel that hit your leg, but you fight it off, you look through your Gunner Scope and start spraying where the Russian soldiers are with your 25mm.

Y/N: Take this you Motherfuckers!!

Your cannon rounds tear the enemy soldiers into pieces, sending chunks of the soldiers everywhere then you feel two arms pulling you out of the Bradley.

Emma: Gah, come on Y/N we got to get the hell out of here!

Alice's POV

Me and my Backseater (Pilot) are taking off to engage some Enemy Armor and troops that are attacking our armor and troops in a town about 6 miles from here.

Alice's  Pilot: Alright Alice, Let's do the start-up procedure.

Alice: Got it.

                                                  (Pretend the "FrontSeater" is  Alice.)

(Time Skip 20 minutes)

¨ Assasian 1-4  on station ¨

My backseater says.

We are now within 2 miles and 100 yards, which is more than enough in Range to be able to fire Hellfire missiles, I spot a few enemy soldiers that are trying to flank the friendly armor and troops.

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