"The Neighbors"

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it's 8:45 am, You are making coffee in the kitchen, When you get a knock on the door so you open it to see Rose and Autumn.

Y/N: Oh hey guys!

Ruby: Hey, can we come in?

Y/N: Yeah sure!

Y/N: Can I get you guys some coffee?

Autumn: Sure!

You hear Emma come down the stairs in her cute shirt and shorts as she comes in to say Hi.

 you, Emma and Rose, and Autumn sit down to talk.

Rose: Can we ask you something in private

Y/N: sure.

You and Rose get up and walk into the kitchen so the others can't hear you, you see Rose lean against the counter then she cuts the silence

Autumn: You Guys are pretty loud

She says with a  smile 

Y/N: What do you mean?

Rose: Last night when the two of you were going at it.

You blush a cherry red of embarrassment.

Y/N: W-We're sorry.

Rose: No it's ok, There's nothing to be sorry about you didn't try to,  But damn you must have broken her, for it to sound like that, But I gotta also ask, I want to know your secret on how to make it sound like that~ 

She says whispering it into your ear.

but before you could answer Rose's comment, the TV started to play something that caught your attention, so you turn up the volume.

News: We have a 100% confirmation that Russia and North Korea Have declared war on the US and other NATO countries, Due to Russia assuming that US fighters shot down the Russian SU-30 Fighters, Intercepting a US patrol aircraft with the help of the UK, at the Black Sea...Ladies and gentlemen...I'm afraid that we are now we are at War.

The Reporter said with a worried look on his face.

the news continues to go on and show images 

 Everybody in the room is shocked.

Y/N: Oh my god,  World War three just started.

You turn off the TV and sit down on the couch and start to think about what could happen, to everybody.

Rose: So does this mean we could be attacked?

Y/N/Emma/Autumn: Why would you think that?!

Rose: I'm just saying, it could happen to us, but I was already thinking about enlisting in the army.

Autumn: Wait... what?!?

Rose: Yeah I kinda wanted to for weeks now.

Y/N: Well it is her decision to join.

Rose: See, Y/N understands.

Autumn: Well...Ok, as long as you come back I'm ok with it.

(  6 days Later)

You're sitting there on the couch watching more things about the war currently until you hear a knock on the door, so you get up to see who it is, so you open the door to see two military officers.

Military Officer: Are you Y/N L/N?

Y/N: Yes that's me.

Another Military officer: Sorry to say this but you are being drafted.

Y/N: What?!

Military officer: But have you also seen Emma Snowfoot?

Y/N: Yeah, she's my girlfriend.

Military officer: Well I guess the two of you are being drafted.

After the military officers left and you sit next to the door in disbelief.

Emma: What happened?

Y/N: We are being drafted...

Emma: Oh my god.......

(To be Continued)

(To be Continued)

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