Birds do NOT like Heavy Metal

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Guess what? I'm sick again! Yay!
Spent most of the day napping. I'm not feeling good lmao. Thankfully this chapter was already written so I can update still.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life
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I leaned back, the wind ruffling my hair as the Pegasus I was riding flew through the air.

Leilani was flying near me, her dark skin shining in the afternoon sunlight.

Silena waved to me, motioning down. Her veil was pinned up, sparkling with the sparkles that covered it.

I sighed, but reluctantly tapped the reins.

"Could you take me down?"

"Yes, my Prince," the Pegasus nickered.

The sky was a bit scary, knowing Zeus would not be pleased with me in his area (especially since my existence could mean the downfall of Olympus and he was kinda obligated to try and get rid of such a threat) meant that normally I wouldn't do so.

But Pegasus were different.

Riding a Pegasus didn't come with any tension or nervousness. It was comfortable and safe. Pegasus were descendants of Poseidon but were of the sky. They were a safe place.

I would never be afraid while on a Pegasus.


"You know, I think the thing I'm most jealous about is just that you get to see your dad."

I looked up from my curse theory book, my stomach twisting.


"Like," Leilani paused. "I haven't gotten to see my mom at all, that I know of, and I'm kinda jealous that you get to see your dad. That he's present enough in your life you get to see him."

I shuffled, "Sorry?"

Was she mad about it? Like Annabeth was- well she wasn't mad about this but she did bring it up...

She waved her hands quickly, "Wait no- don't be sorry- that's not- sorry I didn't mean it in a bad way just... I've been thinking lately and I've realized that, a lot of the stuff you've mentioned, the subtle things with Triton giving gifts, and the way the fish seem to know you, and some of the stories and stuff... well it made me realize that my mom did some of that too."

I blinked, "She did?"

"Yeah! Like, I've heard some Hermes kids talk about how their dad does little things for them. Gifts appearing, money appearing, warmth and comfort when upset. Even the floor of the cabin was always strangely soft to sleep on."

I nodded, I remembered that. It wasn't really uncomfortable there.

"Alabaster- well he talked about it some too with his mom. So did Aponi. Just how some supplies appeared for them, how they could just get some stuff with their magic, like someone was whispering guidance. Stuff like that."

"Wow, that's cool."

"Yeah... and well, I've kinda realized that I have some stuff like that. I just never realized before cause I wasn't thinking of it. Just like... it was really hard for us for a while. My dad did his best, and he's wonderful but... things are really hard in Hawaii. Everything is pretty expensive and native Hawaiians... well... things aren't great. And we were really struggling for a big part of my childhood."

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