Reasons to Pay Attention in School

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Hope you enjoy the chapter! I show some fun stuff

Also: I'm not sorry :)

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life
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I dropped my bags on my bed, a bit uncomfortable with having others in my cabin.

I'd gotten used to be alone in here last year, but now I had two more cabin members.

I turned to see Leilani and Tyson standing by the entrance.

"So, uh, you can take either of the other two beds."

Leilani nodded, looking around nervously. She had her bag clutched in her hand.

"Can I sleep there?" Tyson asked, pointing to the bed next to me.

"Yeah, no problem. I guess that means Leilani gets the other one?"

She nodded, "Right, thank you."

Tyson and she moved to their beds. Tyson didn't have any bags, he'd need to buy new clothes later, but Leilani dropped her bag on the bed.

"Ta, the curtain closest to you leads to the bathroom, Leilani. The other one, next to the one we entered through, leads to a sitting room. The dressers are kinda obvious, walls opposite the beds, and there a lot of cubby holes around the room otherwise... uh, the big tank against the wall next to you is new..."

"Okay. Where's your altar?"

I blinked, "Altar?"

"Your cabin one..." she trailed off. "Do you not have one?"

I bit my lip, "I uh, I didn't know that was a thing in the cabins..."

"Oh... um, we can make one then? Someplace... uh..."

"I guess in the morning?" I offered. "After you're both settled in."

"Sure, that works... thank you."

"It's fine, no problem. I like the idea of having an altar here too! I have one in my room back home but didn't think of having one here too-"

"Not-" she tugged some clothes out of her bag. "Not for the altar but... thank you for letting me stay in your cabin... and asking Lord Poseidon to let me... I uh, I appreciate it."

"Percy is nice," Tyson said, standing awkwardly by his bed.

"Oh uh," I fingered the zipper of Carl and Hippolyta's bag. "You're welcome. It really wasn't a problem. I didn't think- well, you know, that it was fair. The Hermes cabin is so crowded, and I have space, and this is the Poseidon cabin, He's King of the Sea, and you're of the sea, so I just- it seemed only right..."

I busied myself with pulling out Carl's and Hippolyta's bowls. I felt so awkward, I'd asked her to be allowed because she was of the sea, but I hadn't really thought about what it meant, living with someone I'd barely interacted with.

"Is that- is that an octopus?"

I blinked, holding Hippolyta's bowl. "Yeah, this is Hippolyta. The goldfish is Carl, you might remember him from last year."

"Yeah... where did you get an octopus?"

"Triton gave her to me, for my birthday. She's a sweetheart."

Hippolyta waved one tentacle from her bowl and Tyson gasped softly, waving back.

Leilani stared wide eyed. "Wow."

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