Calls and Decisions

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Got an A on my final project! Very pleased, especially cause I convinced the teacher to let me do something different and made it so she's adding a whole other lesson plan for people next semester (rip them).


I settled onto my bed with the rainbow stone out once more.

First, I was gonna message the Aphrodite cabin, I did promise to get in contact with them... Probably should've done that sooner.

I flicked an aurova at the rainbow, "Oh Iris, Goddess of the rainbow, please show me the Aphrodite cabin."

The rainbow cleared to show Silena doing her makeup at one of the vanities.

"Silena," I called.

She jolted, spinning around to see me. Her lipstick had smeared when I'd called out for her, but she didn't seem concerned.


"What?" called a voice from the side.

"Did you say Percy," asked another.

"Hi," I said with a wave, nervously fingering my necklace with my other hand.

"You're alive!" Lapis said as she leaned into the view of the Iris Message.

"Yeah, I'm alive-"

"Where are you?" Lapis asked urgently.

"Are you really under the sea?" asked another as they shoved their way into view.

"Did Luke actually-"

"Are you hurt-"

"-attack you and-"

"-badly?" Valentina asked.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" Silena questioned.

"-try to kill you?" Mitchell asked

"What's your dad-"

"Those are cool arm bands." Lapis added.

"-like?" the other asked.

I leaned back as they all talked over each other, "Hang on- give me a sec."

They went silent, watching me expectantly.

I took a moment to try and parse out what they all said. "So uh, Luke..."

"Yeah," Silena asked with a worried look. "Did he actually- Did he-"

I nodded, rubbing my palm where the scar remained.

"Yeah... he... he did."

"What happened?" one if them asked gently.

I took a breath, wrapping my arms around my tails.

"Wait—woah," Silena leaned forward. "Are those tails?"

I blinked, "Huh? Oh- yeah."

"That's so cool," Mitchell mumbled.

Valentina's eyes were sparkling, "Is it because you're a child of Poseidon? Can anyone turn into something like their parents!?"

"Uh- no I don't think so? I mean... maybe? I've never tried-"

"I'm going to become a dove," Lapis swore.

I couldn't help but grin, "Go for it. But yeah, I have a special charm that lets me have tails. Triton gave it to me."

"That's amazing," Silena declared before shaking her head. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt, please continue."

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