Schools of Thought

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I hope you enjoy the chapter. Some things happened in it that weren't planned at all so I've had to split up the outline for this chapter, we got through a grand total of 3 scenes for this chapter that were on my 15 scene outline for it alkdsnfa. It was getting too long.

Please be aware that was supposed to be one chapter turned into six.

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life


I hummed around the ice cream, "This is good."

"It's the best ice cream joint in the city," Drew said with a smirk. "Has the best flavors."

"They have cool flavors," I added, licking my mermaid ice cream. It tasted like key lime pie and was delicious.

"Big Gay Ice Cream is fabulous," she agreed. "I love the Rufus, but the short berry straw cake is great too."

"The Rufus kinda looks like a sundae," I said, grinning a bit at the name of the ice cream place we were at.

"It basically is, but it's fancier, and delicious."

I laughed, "I've only had McDonalds ice cream before, and that machine is broken half the time."

She looked horrified, "Oh honey, no. Absolutely not. That machine ice cream is so bad, they almost never clean it and-" she shudders "-I'm taking you to all the ice cream places, you will have good food."

I flushed, "That isn't necessary-"

"It'll be fun. You can judge them too!"

I smiled nervously, chewing on the plastic spoon.

"Well anyways, now that we've got the ice cream," she grinned. "Present time!"

"Presents?" I said in confusion, vaguely remembering her mentioning them before she'd signed off our call in the sea. "But I thought that the ice cream was the present?"


She grabbed the bag by her side and started digging through it. I just thought she'd been going to a friend's house after and had stuff in the bag, but apparently not.

"Okay, so mine first of course."

I blinked at the slightly smushed present bag set in front of me and quickly balanced the ice cream in the bowl I was given.

"Um, okay."

I dug through the tissue paper and pulled out the box on the top.

It was... a fancy bag/box. Blue with sea shells on it. I opened the top and did a double take at the layered sections for makeup.

"Oh," I said as I picked up the foundation.

"I told you I was buying you makeup," she said primly. "I'll show you how to use it later."

I nodded, it was a full thing... I thought at least. I didn't know much about makeup beyond what I learned from the rants at the Aphrodite cabin.

"Cool," I said. "Think I can pull off the blue eye shadow?"

She snorted, grinning at me, "Let's start with natural looks. There's more in the bag."

I hummed and shut the makeup kit, setting it to the side as I dug through the bag and pulled out a book.

"On the Festivals of Dionysus, by Pherecydes of Leros. I've never heard of this?"

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