His Creepy Pickup line......

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"Do you like heavy metal? Because I can teach you how to scream!"
(Jeff the killer)

"I'm a necrophiliac, so why don't you drop dead and I'll think about it!"

"I killed your crush so we can be together forever."
(Slender man)

"Hickory Dickery Dock, It's time to suck my cock."
(Laughing Jack)

"I'm working on a porn site. Wanna be in the first video?"

"I find your lack of nudity disturbing."
(Liu Woods)

"You might want to call a bomb squad, because there's going to be an explosion in your anus."
(Smile Dog)

"I just want to be friends....with your insides."
(Eyeless Jack)

"Do you want to come over and watch some porn in my new mirror?"
(Ticci Toby)

"I'm a pirate and I yearn for the treasure between your legs."
(Sonic exe.)

"My cock seeks out the forces of darkness, and it's pointing at you."
(Bloody painter)


"Girl your are so hot I'd do you dead or living."

"Wanna go to the movies? JK, let's take a nap at the cemetery"
(Lost Silver)

"If you stood in front of a mirror and held up 11 roses, you would see 12."
(Sexual Offenderman)

"Hey I'm really sorry for hurting your legs, next time I won't spread them so far."
(Dr. Smiley)

"I've got a very special ritual we can do in bed together."
(Dark Link)

"I wouldn't mind taking a picture of that ass!"

"You're pretty on the inside, should I show you?"

"You shouldn't have done that, now I must punish you like fate planned."
(BEN Drowned)

"Can I have a Pikachu tonight?"
(Glitchy Red)

"I think YOUR cat has MY tongue!"

"My heart isn't the only thing that yearns for you."
(Heartful Lou)

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