Day 1: Happy

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"Kara, Alex just called. Somethings come up. She and Kelly are heading out of town."

"O-oh. Ok," breathed Kara trying to hide her disappointment.Today was Kara's Earth Birthday and she was so excited for the Ladies Night in that Alex had planned.

"She said to tell you she's really sorry, Kara. And that when she gets back we'll all get together."

"It's fine."

It wasn't. It was bad enough that she'd been temporarily relieved if her Supergirl duties thanks to a massive middle attack that caused her to solar flare just yesterday. But now Alex was leaving town and cancelling their plans.

"What if you and I go somewhere? Just us. I know a place just outside the city that I think you'd love. What do you say?"

"That...that sounds nice."

The more she thought about it, the better it sounded. This was the first Earth Birthday that Kara would get to share with Lena fully. Her last one was when they were fighting and before that Lena didn't know she was Supergirl.

"That sounds amazing, actually."

"Great! I'll grab our coats. I'm afraid that since you've blown out your powers we'll have to drive, but it's only an hour away."

"An hour in the car with you? How will I every survive?"

"Ha ha ha. Very funny."

"I thought so," smirked Kara.


An hour in the car with Lena flew by. Even after all that they'd gone through recently, they still enjoyed each other's company - perhaps more than they did before now that they'd finally stopped hiding their feelings. The place Lena had taken them to was a small - but beautiful - cabin just outside of National City in a secluded wooded area. Kara had noticed a while back that city roads had changed to curvy mountain ones but she was too engrossed in conversation with Lena - and with the feel of their fingers laced together - to care.

"What is this? Lena, where are we?"

"Just an old cabin that apparently belonged to my mother. Andrea found it when she was helping me find out more about her."

It had been months since Lena had learned that her mother was a witch - and that she was as well - and although she and her powers had played a crucial role in taking down Nyxly and finding all of the totems, Lena still hadn't fully come to terms with that part of herself.

"It's beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with me."

Kara smiled Lena, trying to convey just how much love she felt in her heart in a single look, before leaning forward and kissing the lips of the woman she loved so dearly.

"Wait!" Exclaimed Kara, breaking their kiss. "We didn't bring any bags or anything."

"It'll be alright, darling. Let's just get inside. It looks like it might rain."

The two women walked hand in hand towards the cabin and made their way inside. It was getting late and all of the windows were shuttered so the cabin was pitch black.

"Sorry, I know there's a light here some where." Said lena, letting go of Kara's hand and walking to the other side of the room. "Here it is!"


As the room flooded with light, Kara saw that she was surrounded by everyone that she loves. Alex and Kelly, Nia and Brainy, J'onn and M'gann. Kal, Lois, and the boys. Even Eliza and her mom and dad!

"Alex?! I thought y'all were going out of town?"

"We ARE out of town," Laughed Alex.

"Mom? Dad? Y'all are supposed to be on Argo!"

"It's a special day, Inah," said Zor-El.

"How did you all...Nia, I thought you and Brainy had plans? And J'onn, you said that you and M'gann had plans too!"

"We did," offered Nia with a smile. "But you solar flared and Lena had this brilliant idea and it was too good to pass up."

Kara turned to face a blushing Lena who was playing with her fingers, a tell-tale sign that she was nervous.

"Lena? You did all this, for me?"

"Well, I knew that with your Super Hearing that you'd never had a surprise party and you always used to say how fun they looked. So when you lost your powers I called Alex and asked if we could do this instead of the Ladies night. We used portal watches to get everyone here so there wouldn't be cars outside."

Kara was speechless. No one had ever gone to this much trouble for her, not like this. She wrapped her arms around Lena in a crushing hug.

"I love you. So much Lena."

"I love you too, Kara!"

The hug lingered as their lips found their way to each other. The passion and love between them threatening to pour out of them right there in front of their friends and family.

"Get a room you two!"

"Oh we will," promised Kara. "Later."

"Gross," coughed Alex. "Can we eat now?! There's enough pizza and potstickers here to feed 12 Kryptonians and I am STARVING!"

Kara laughed, making her way to the table that held the food. As per tradition the birthday girl gets the first plate. Her eyes filled with tears as she passed by each of the people that she loved the most. For the first time since she came to Earth, Kara felt like she might truly be able to have it all. That she might be able to be the one thing that she never thought that she'd truly be.


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