Chapter Sixty: Cooking With Harold

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Grace (Mama) POV:

Finally, after six days in the bunker, Calisto finally announced that we could leave. It was good timing too since Clara is getting antsy. She's back to her normal self but I can tell she's ready to play with all her toys.

I think she even misses sleeping in her own bed. She's been sharing a bed with all four of us, and it's a tad bit crowded. This bed is smaller than the one upstairs.

My princess needs to sleep in her own bed and get back on schedule. Clara thrives on routine and when we deviate from that it causes problems. "You ready to go?" Calisto asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes! I'm more than ready to get out of here. Let's go." I announce, already grabbing Clara off the floor.

"Cwara wan dat." Clara says as she points to the remote controls resting on the coffee table.

That's one of her new fascinations. She loves to press the buttons on the remote controls. She also likes to put them in her mouth and get drool all over the buttons. We've had to resort to putting them up on a high shelf so she can't reach it.

"No, baby. We're going upstairs to Clara's room. We can play with your toys and see your horsey!" I exclaim as Calisto unlocks the bunker door.

Dechen and Atticus follow behind us. They're play fighting and causing a ruckus. Clara watches over my shoulder and giggles every now and then, the remote controls forgotten.

"Uncle! Uncle!" Dechen shouts. Atticus has him in a headlock and is currently giving him a noogie.

"Fine. I'll stop but that's only because we're getting in the elevator." Atticus says as he releases Dechen.

Calisto sighs and rolls his eyes but there's humor in his eyes. I know he missed his family. Even all the crazy, annoying, and frustrating parts of us.

The elevator dings and all of us step on.
Clara's drooling on my shoulder and staring at her Daddies. When Calisto sticks his tongue out at her, she smiles back. "Is that Daddy's pretty girl?" He asks in a babyish voice.

Calisto holds his arms out expectantly and I place Clara in them. He lifts her up over his head and places kisses all over her cheeks. "I missed my baby. Did you miss Daddy?"

Cal has been pretty busy with work. I know he tracked down those terrorists and brought them in for questioning. The whole process meant long, sleepless nights for him. "Cwara wiss, Daddy." Clara replies after giving him a kiss on the cheek.

The elevator doors open and the first thing I see is sunlight. Beautiful, bright sunlight. "Wook, is da 'un!" Clara points towards the large windows and wiggles to be put down.

We all walk off the elevator and Calisto places Clara on the floor in front of the windows. She crawls towards them and uses the windowsill to stand. It's a large window, big enough that she can reach. "Do you see the snow?" I ask, crouching down next to her.

"Mama an' Cwara gu out der!" Clara points outside and I chuckle. Ever since we left Xeoph, she's been obsessed with the snow. She always wants to play in it and make snow angels.

Arabella taught her how to make snow angels and Geoff taught her how to make a snowman. Clara giggled and laughed the whole time. My husbands and I just stayed back and watched Clara play with her grandparents.

We still haven't gotten the chance to play with her in the snow ourselves, but hopefully we can take her soon.

It's still too dangerous to take her outside right now. The population is still wound up from the attack and reporters are swarming for a single picture of Clara. Nows not the time to go outside. "We can go another day, princess. Why don't we go get your chef hat so you can show Harold?"

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