Chapter Nine: Punishment

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Clara POV:

I'm currently sitting on the naughty stool in the corner of my room. I don't like it here and just want to get out. I've been sitting here for ages!

After Mama finished washing me, Dada put lotion all over me, and put me in a pair of purple footie pajamas with butterflies on them. After that Daddy picked me up, sat me on the stool in the naughtier corner, and told me that if I got up I would get more time in the corner.

After my time is up in the naughty corner, Daddy comes to get me out.

"Do you understand why I put you in the corner?" He asks.

"Cause I no wisten." I reply.

"Yes, because you didn't listen and threw a fit. Daddy doesn't like disciplining you but you can't get your way by throwing fits. I love you so much my baby." Daddy tries to hug me but I'm still mad at him. I sit there with my arms by my sides, stiff as a brick till he lets go.

"It's okay to be mad at Daddy. Just remember that he loves you." Daddy stands up as Mama walks in the door. I crawl over to her and raise my arms.

"Uppies Mama. Daddy meanie."

"I think you're hurting Daddy's feelings baby. You were being a naughty girl and weren't listening. That's what happens when you're naughty, you get corner time or get a spanking." Mama replies while walking over to the rocking chair, sitting us down.

I look over at Daddy and he does seem sad. I look back up to Mama then back over to Daddy.

Daddy walks over to the light switch, turning it off, then turning on a light that makes the room glow a soft pink with small butterflies on the ceiling.

"I sowwy I say chu mweanie Daddy." I say to him.

Daddy walks over to me, leans down, and kisses my head.

"I forgive you baby."

Daddy then sits next to mama, who lifts her shirt and lets me have milkies. I drink for a while before mama switches me to her other side. I start to fall asleep when mama removes me from her boobie. I whine before she gently pushes a paci in my mouth.

I suck on it while Mama rocks with Daddy and I. The next thing I feel is my body being lifted then placed on something soft.

Calisto (Daddy) POV:

Disciplining Clara for the first time broke my heart. She's such an angel but when she's sleepy she's a little bit of a brat. That was the case tonight, she was just so sleepy.

When she said she didn't like me I knew that wasn't true, but my heart felt heavy. Seeing her face after I smacked her bum will forever be engraved in my brain. The way she looked at me like I betrayed her.

"Hey, stop thinking. She's two and she loves you. This was her first day, and the first time we had to discipline her. You were just the unlucky one that had to do it." Dechen says.

"Yea, I guess you're right. I know she didn't mean what she said. She was just sleepy."

"Toddlers say a lot of things they don't mean. I can guarantee you by tomorrow she'll be begging for her Daddy." Callisto chimes in.

I run my fingers through my red hair thinking about tomorrow. Honestly, I can't wait to show her off to the public. We have a cute little outfit for her and we're hoping with the earlier bedtime we gave her, that shes not so cranky when we have to wake her at 3:00 a.m.

"Well, Grace is waiting for us in bed. It's been long day and tomorrow we have to get up early. Let's get some sleep." I tell the guys, heading out of my office in our personal quarters.

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