Chapter 36

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I woke up the next day to my phone vibrating next to my head.

My hand ran over the area that the vibration was coming from and felt around for the annoying rectangular object.

When I finally got it, I swiped my finger over the screen without opening my eyes and brought it to my ear.

"Hello?" I said into the phone, my voice slightly muffled by the pillow.

"Bitch, are you still asleep?" Beth's voice came through the line.

"Uh, yeah. What's up?" I answered, still clouded with sleep.

"I'm on my way over, go shower and get freshened up, I need you to be fully awake when I get there." Beth instructed.

"What? Why-" I began to ask, only to get cut off.

"Go, go, go, go!" Beth yelled into the phone, making me wince and draw the device away from my ear before it deafens me.

The line went dead immediately afterwards, preventing me from raising any further questions.

I sighed, burying my head into my pillows for 5 seconds.

When I could feel myself drifting back to sleep, I jolted myself awake by sitting up from my bed abruptly.

I softly slapped myself awake a couple of times and peeled my eyes open, swinging my feet out of my bed and making my way to the bathroom to shower.

Just as I finished putting my clothes on, the bell to the door rang.

I opened the door to my bedroom and ran down the stairs, hollering a loud "Coming!"

Swinging the front door open, I braced myself to be greeted by an impatient Beth barreling into the house without an invitation to come in.

Instead, I was greeted by the boyfriend I didn't feel like saying so early in the morning.

"Isaac." I said.

"Emily." He returned. "You look disappointed, were you expecting someone else?"

"I.." I didn't know what to say. So I turned the question back to him. "What are you doing here?"

"To see you, of course." He said, as if it was the most obvious thing on Earth.

"Do you need something? Or did you leave something last night?" I asked him.

Before he could answer, Beth popped up behind him, piling into the conversation.

"Who was here last night?" She asked, causing Isaac to turn around and face her.

"Beth," I said, surprised as Isaac took a step back so that he was standing beside me.

"Present." She wittily replied. "So, back to what you guys were talking about. Why was he here last night?"

"Um.." I paused, feeling Isaac shift beside me.

"I came to apologize to Emily last night." Isaac spoke for himself.

"Did you now?" Beth quirked an eyebrow.

Isaac looked down at me, his hand slipping around my back and settling on my waist as he brought me closer to his side. I looked up and met his eyes as he answered Beth. "We did, we had quite the delicious dinner there, didn't we, sweetheart?"

I bit my lip, averting my eyes, growing uncomfortable of how he was wording things. Sure, Beth was my best friend and nothing was really a secret with her, but I didn't like how Isaac was wording things, indirectly insinuating something.. intimate.

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