Chapter Thirty Nine

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It's almost as if the heavens knew that we were speaking of Agnis as the whole palace begins to rumble. The chandelier above the conference table begins to shake vigorously as the diamonds that drip down threaten to fall.

"We don't have enough time," I say barely above a whisper. "There's no time," I repeat and try to scavenge my mind for any sort of plan that ceases to exist. I knew that this was all too good to be true... I had become too complacent. 

"We do, there is always enough time. I don't know how but we will figure this out," Darian promises and the chandelier snaps from the ceiling. It almost seems to happen in slow motion as I watch it fall. 

I turn my face to the side and crouch as diamonds fly everywhere and pierce my skin. I had thought it was over until the windows smashed and large gusts of wind ran in from the darkness outside. 

For once in my life, I have no real hope. Agnis is channelling the power of dozens of witches who are centuries old. Having that power does not come easy but comes as a challenge. A challenge that will decide our fate... whether we live or die.

"If your able to come up with a plan that will take down such a person then go ahead. But, odds are that we have no luck and that we are only awaiting our death," I shout over the wind and crashing. 

"No one is dying tonight... we have lost too many people already but we will not run away from this. This is my court and if I have to I will sacrifice myself so that this blasted bitch doesn't take it down," another large gust sweeps through the room and I hold my hands over my ears.

I admire how much Darian cares for his court but I'm not sure if he is being a martyr or if he is truly being brave. Either way, if we all die tonight... at least we won't die in vain.

"We need to leave this room and find as many guards as we can," I shout across to Darian and he nods his head. Several shards of glass splinter my skin but it is pain that is bearable and that I can deal with later on. 

Our most prominent problem as of now is trying to make sure that everyone in the Kingdom is protected and ready for a night of hell. 

Darian and I manage to leave the room without any further complications - both of us picking glass out of our skin as we try to casually stroll down the corridor in order to not alarm anyone. 

"I'll have Manin send out messages to everyone necessary who can help protect both of our courts. I will make sure that your court does not suffer at the hands of our lack of judgement. Everything will work out in the end," Darian is nothing but the epitome of calm.

However, I, on the other hand - my hands shake violently at my sides and my heart pounds in my chest. I envy how Darian can be so calm and collected in such a time of crisis. It makes me look like I can't handle a thing. 

I'm all too aware of the sound of my shoes patting against the floor, the sound of my inhales and exhales, the feeling of my pulse rapidly increasing. This is all too much for me but I knew the risks when I had accepted my father's bargain as he laid on his death bed. 

When I soon after had caused his death by thinking that I was helping him. Really, this is all of my faults. If I hadn't accepted my father's bargain then I wouldn't have travelled to Darian's court, then I wouldn't have been poisoned and I wouldn't have accidentally killed Aelin.

Something that I did uncontrollably has caused such a bloody course of events. 

"Do not let your mind wander... that is what will get you killed," Darian whispers as we round the corner and head to Manin's quarters. 

"That's the hardest part," I mutter to myself and we reach Manin's door. Darian pounds on it and Manin opens it within mere seconds. His face is pale with concern and his hair ruffled telling me that we have probably just disturbed his sleep. 

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