Chapter Thirty Two

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After spending a measurable amount of time by myself in my chambers, Darian came to take me to the meeting that he so graciously invited me to. Our walk to the meeting room was silent and... awkward. 

Of course, my inquisition had ruined my blissful oblivion yet again. 

We now sit in the meeting room full of faces plagued with age and some blessed with youth. Nonetheless, all faces that I have never seen before in my life but seem to have enough importance that they are invited to this conference.

"We are here today because Manin has revealed some vital information that could aid us in taking down the Fortuna coven. But, in order to use this information we are going to need everyone's help in this room. However, all things said in this room must stay in this room," Darian says at the very top of the table. 

I am seated at his side, playing with my thumbs in my hands out of nervous habit. I don't understand why I am invited to this blasted meeting when Darian could have just told me what was discussed. 

Manin stands from his seat. "I recently found out that a ritual takes place in the Fortuna coven every fifty years. It is a ritual during the full moon where the witches are at their weakest - at almost mortal strength. We could take this opportunity to attack and take them down."

With that Manin bows his head towards Darian and sits back down. Manin meets my eyes and I give him a small smile which surprisingly he returns.

"We will be striking in five days and we need everyone to be ready and joining. No excuses. Merthia is on the line and if we want this kingdom for ourselves we need to stop them from taking it."

Several murmurs erupt in the room but I continue staring down at my lap - lost in my own thoughts of running through the gardens as a child, stargazing in the watchtower with my father. I simply cannot wrap my head around the fact that they are just gone... nothing but eternally gone.

Darian's hand meets with my thigh, presenting his bloodied knuckles and my eyes snap towards him. "I'd like you to join us on the mission," his voice is low as the generals, earls and thanes continue their mindless conversation. 

"You're inviting me to join you on a mission to take down a whole coven of witches? Have you drank something you shouldn't have?" my eyebrows knit together in confusion. 

Why would Darian invite me on a mission when he sent me away to a whole other island because of one intrusion. It really makes no sense whatsoever. 

"I've realised that I've kept you cooped up for too long, that I trust you. But, Nova, my trust does not come easily so, please... do not break it," Darian says with the utmost sincerity and I have to suppress a scoff due to the number of people in this room. 

"Like you know what trust is," I say and turn to look back at the several men seated around the table. I notice the lack of women in the room. "If we are to marry, I'd like more women to be in this conference room... they are just as good as men. I'd even go as far to say that they're better," I shrug.

"You are here, are you not?" Darian snaps and I roll my eyes. 

"Yes because one lady outways a room of thirty men of high class," I state sarcastically and I hear Darian scoff under his breath. 

"You are not just a lady, Nova. You are a Queen, you are of royal blood," Darian says the obvious. "But, if it is something that you really want then... I'll give more women a position in this room and the future of our kingdom."

"Thank you," I nod my head in gratitude as the conversations in the room finally come to a close. All of the men stare intently at Darian, waiting for his next words. I'm sure they'd wait forever if they had to. 

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