Chapter Two

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Easton subtly places his hand on the small of my back as the woman leads us through the palace doors. Black rugs cover the corridor's floor, paintings with depictions of the devil, everything about this place seems to be ancient and cult looking. I shiver at the sight. The woman leads us down several corridors and endless amounts of stairs.

I am heaving by the time we are outside of a set of double doors.

"The King won't like that you have brought your lover," the woman says and I immediately step away from Easton - leaving a sizeable amount of space.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I smile and she shakes her head.

"He doesn't like liars either," she laughs to herself and opens the doors, revealing a huge room with a desk in the middle. Behind the desk sits him. Dark shadows swirl around him in clusters, until they fade away. The rumours were true is all I can think. My eyes meet his crimson ones and a shiver runs down my spine. I can't deny that he is irrevocably gorgeous. His black hair is wondrous and his chiselled cheekbones are so sharp you could mistake them for a blade.

"Nova Amour..." Darian trails off, his voice is deep and seductive, and the woman beside me bows. Easton follows but I stay standing upright. I refuse to bow before him, before his court.

"Darian Acheron..." I retort and a smile tugs at his lips. Just the sight of him makes me see red. The things he and his court have done are unspeakable - both to my family and my court.

The court he is soon to be ruling with me.

"You've got some nerve Nova... coming into my home, calling me by my name," Darian says but his voice is calm and the smile is still evident on his face. I scoff at his choice of words.

"I am your future Queen yet you call me by my name... that doesn't seem very fair now does it?" I say, crossing my arms. His cold stare bores into mine and I make sure to not look away. I won't feed his ego by cowering away at his gaze.

"Future Queen if... you follow my conditions," Darian says and I roll my eyes.

"What are these conditions?" I question and he lets out a howl of laughter. I grit my teeth... I don't usually resort to violence but right now I want nothing other than to lunge at him and rip that smug look off of his face.

"You stay here, lose all contact with your court and family until after the marriage and the last condition is... you are mine and mine only," he smirks and those red eyes flash with amusement.

It is exactly as I thought... I would be his prisoner.

"I refuse to be your prisoner," I spit and point an accusing finger.

Darian abruptly stands, his calm demeanour gone and his shadows returned. They hover around him as if they are old friends whispering things to him, things only he will ever know.

"You can refuse all you want but you have no choice. These conditions have already been agreed to and I don't like to be messed around," he says and it feels like the room has caved in.

I can't do this, my father's wishes are the least of my concerns right now - not when I am about to be held captive. More people enter the room, guards I am assuming, and they begin to surround me. My eyes lock with Easton's and his eyes are wide, his mouth agape in shock.

"You keep your grubby hands off of your future Queen," he spits as one of them latch their hand around my wrist.

"I don't take orders from nobodies," the guard huffs and yanks me towards him.

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