Chapter Thirty One

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The sun beams down on me as I sit on a small curb just outside the village - causing perspiration to gather along my forehead. All I can say is that I certainly am no longer used to the weather inside my court. I'm ashamed to say that I find it more comfortable in the Acheron court.

It breaks my heart to say it but... I just don't belong here anymore. The only thing I have that reminds me of my family is the light that runs through my veins. My powers are the only thing that reminds me that I ever had a court that loved me, that I ever had a family.

The thought alone that all I have left of my court is my powers that are simply a lie pains me more than I can admit.

I take time to breathe and clear my thoughts before I go back to where Darian and Manora are waiting - making sure to take my time. I'm not sure when I'll be back here but I am sure it will not be for a long while yet. I bask in the warmth of the sun, although it feels suffocating, because I'm not sure how much time I have left.

A soft purr sounds and I already know who it is before I lift my head. Manora stands there, her black feathers exposed to the sunlight with her head tilted.

"I'm fine," I give her a small smile and she nods her head. Those huge eyes light up when she sees Darian walking towards us. I've never realised how much of a close bond they must have after spending such a vast amount of time with each other.

"How was it?" he questions nonchalantly and I roll my eyes. I felt him trying to push his way into my mind the whole time. If he thinks I'm really that stupid, that I wouldn't realise, he has another thing coming.

"I'm sure you already know," I huff and he drops his head to try to conceal his smile but I see it nonetheless. Darian doesn't even try to hide the fact that he was trying to listen to every word exchanged.

"Enlighten me," Darian shrugs and I notice how much he also stands out in this environment. If I don't belong here then Darian most definitely does not.

I notice how his eyes are permanently squinted and how pale he looks due to the lack of sunlight in the Acheron court. We don't belong here... I don't belong here.

"It doesn't matter, there was nothing important," I shrug and get up from the curb. I say that because I'd rather not dwell on what had been said. Besides, I am sure he knows anyway.

The devil has brainwashed you!

He's going to marry then kill you so he can have Merthia all to himself! Do not let yourself be lured into his trap Lady Amour!

"Let's go," something in Darian's demeanour changes but I don't have the energy to read into any of it. I walk towards Darian and he places me on Manora's back. "I have a meeting to attend when we arrive back but I'd like you to accompany me."

When we are in the air, I finally decide on asking him. "Why do you want me to come?" he has never asked anything like this before which only makes me believe that it can't be for a good reason.

"My guards have retained some beneficial information that could help us in the demise of the Fortuna coven. I'm hoping that it will all come to an end shortly so no one else comes to harm. Your court or mine."

"They will pay for what they've done," I let my emotions take reign over my thoughts. I've come to realise that I do that far too often, with everything.

"And they will," Darian assures me but I don't let myself become invested because I know how easily it can turn around. I know how quickly hope can turn into misery and love can turn into hate.

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