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At morning time ,

A sun rays peeped through the windows disturbing the sleep of a young and handsome man..he is none other than vansh..

He slowly slowly open his eyes and tries to get up but could not as his head is paining severely due to heavy drinking last night..

Vansh(in mind) - oh god! Why my head is paining so much..

Then only angre enters with lemon juice..

Angre- good morning boss..take this..u will feel better .. actually u have drunk too much yesterday that's why your head is paining.

Then vansh remembers all the events of yesterday and again becomes angry but he controls his anger for a now as he is late for the office..

Vansh- oh no angre ..u should have woke me up early..see the great VRS is late today..

Then he quickly went  in the wash room for freshen up..


Time skips ...
At VR enterprises ,

Vansh who is sitting angrily in his cabin has already fired 10 employees due to his anger..

Angre(in mind)- boss is looking so angry today...I have to do something to divert his mind..
Boss boss ! We have meeting in 1 hr and we can't cancel it as it is very important..

But vansh is lost in his own world and doesn't heard anything..
Angre again tries to call him..

Angre- boss boss..plzz listen...

Vansh- what happened angre? Why are you shouting in my ears? 😡😡
I am not say fast what you want to say and get lost from here quickly..😡😡

Angre- vo boss..we have meeting in 1 hr and we can't cancel it as it will give a lot of profits to us..

Vansh- took a long breath! ..ok , I will attend it . Make all the arrangements..

Angre-ok Boss..

Vansh who was busy in arranging his file when his phone started ringing but seeing the caller I'd he becomes sad..

Vansh(in mind) - I know why dadi is calling me.. she wants me to find that stupid girl but I will not find her 😏😏..

He then picks up the call..

Dadi- vansh , today evening you will come to VR mansion and it's don't make any lame excuses and come at time..

Vansh- but dadi , I have meeting..

Dadi-  Go to hell with your meetings 😡😡..I don't care are coming and that's my final decision 😡😡..
Did you get that or not..

Vansh- ok dadi .. I will don't shout on me..becoz of that stupid girl😑😑..

Dadi- shut up ! She is not stupid..u are stupid 😡😡.. she would be your future wife so respect her.. otherwise I will break all your bones..😤😤

Vansh was literally shocked 😳😳 after hearing this..he thought..for this mere girl his dadi is ready to beat him..
He cuts the call and now his anger reaches at it's peak..

kidnapped by my future husband👿👿Where stories live. Discover now