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December 30th, 2031

Theo's Pov

Hey, uh it's me again. And uh, today is the second day that we chose to take over our human body's for the week. And it's going good so far. Geo, I mean Grey is still sleeping up stairs. Even though it's like one in the afternoon. Clark and Messiah went outside to goof around in the snow in their wolf forms. Oh, I forgot to introduce you to Mateos Wolf. His name was Messiah. Unusual and cool sounding name for a wolf. But there are many other names I've never heard of before. Anyways, what's better then to witness a light snow storm then baking cookies. Yes, chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate. And yes, we can eat and drink chocolate if your wondering.

But right now the cookies were almost done. They were just going through the final process of baking. Hey, your also probably wondering how I'm doing all of this. I mean, I'm a wolf that took over it's humans body. Well, Tyler right now is guiding the way through the process. He taught me a lot of things actually. How to drive, cook, work the tv and video games, and many more things. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt somebody starting to sniff the spot where my shoulder and neck met. "Hehe, I knew something smelt good in here" a familiar voice spoke before I suddenly feel bitting at the spot. But not hard brutal bitting. Instead it felt soft and gentle. Yet it felt slightly rough at the same time. Then the bites turned into nibbles. I moaned softly at this familiar feeling.

But then the feeling stopped before I hear a low chuckle. "So what's cooking babe" the familiar raspy voice whispered. "Chocolate Chip Cookies" I then said before I turned around. There stood Grey only wearing sweatpants and shirtless. Ah yes, one of the many usual and daily appearances he goes into. "Mmm, that sounds and must tastes great" he said before looking behind me "but not as well as Im going to eat the fuck out of that juicy ass one day". "Ew, why did you have to say it like that" I then exclaimed before I playfully hit him in the shoulder. "Because right when all the clocks strike twelve tomorrow" his voice suddenly deepened in tone "I'm going to claim you once and for all". Just before I could say anything. The subject quickly and thankfully changed. The timer for the cookies went off. Meaning the cookies were done and probably perfect. "Ooo, that must be the cookies" I excitedly exclaimed before I quickly walked over and put some oven mits on. I opened the oven before taking out the tray of cookies. The smell of them immediately flooded and engulfed my nose.

I put them down on the kitchen counter to let the cool off. "If you want anything to eat" I then asked Grey "there's some food still hot on the table over there". "Yeah, but I really want something else" he then said "I want you for breakfast". "Hey, eat the food over there" I then said before I planted a kiss on his cheek "so anything your planning to do Anyways". "Nah, Geo said that he has the day off today" Grey then said before getting up "so, how about we go around town". "Maybe we can buy some fireworks for New Year's Eve tomorrow" he then suggested "and also some food and drinks". "Will there be candy" I then said excitedly like a little kid. "No, because the only candy you will be getting is coming from my di-" the door opened as he was about to finish. "Ooo, I can smell the cookies from a mile away" Clark then said "are they done yet Theo". "Yes, help yourself guys" I then said "they should be nice and warm by now".

We each took one cookie before we took one bite from it. Ahhh, it was cooked just right. We all quickly finished our first cookie and moved onto another.

One Hour Later

"Ok, so what do you want to do" Grey then asked before he started to rub my back with one hand. "Maybe we can go get some things for tomorrow night" I then suggested "like you said before". "Hmm, sounds like a great idea" he then said "I mean since I'm off today and tomorrow I don't have anything else to do". "Ok, let's get ready then" I then said before I got off the bed and walked into our closet. And starting to debate on what to wear. Grey came from behind and pulled me back into him. "Hehe, have I told you that your ass looks great in these things" he then mentions my sweat pants "you should wear tighter ones". He then processed to slowly dry hump me. "Ok, tell you what" I then said "if you stop being sexual today". "Then, I will let you do it with me on tomorrow night" I then said before I turned around. "Ooo, I like where this is going" he then said "but is there a catch". "Yup, I get to tease you all day long" I then said "but not publicly thought". "That's even more fun for me" he then whispered "but let's go". We then put on some casual clothes before we headed to the car. Well, I should say Geo's truck. And to be honest it was not that big. But big enough for my short self to have some trouble getting up. So, most of the time Geo or Grey in this case helps me up. Grey gets in the truck and we drove off. But then a traffic jam came along. Barely moving to not moving at all. We both groaned before we sat and waited. But then I decided to take this opportunity to tease him.

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