No. 2 - Talking Is Overrated

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Okay, this one kinda went off the rails in terms of following the prompt, but I'm actually quite happy with how it turned out? Even if it doesn't entirely follow it?

And I managed to incorporate in two out of three of the sub-prompts. Although looking at it now, the title doesn't really fit, but I'm not gonna change it. I suck at coming up with titles to begin with, so... we're leaving it as is.


No. 2 - Talking Is Overrated

Garotte | Choking | Gagged

"You talk too much, you know that, Whitly?" The killer, who just so happens to be one of Malcolm's old high school classmates, sneers.

He doesn't know this guy, Karl Irvine that much, but he remembers being in a couple of the same classes as the guy. And from what he does remember, the guy seemed fairly normal at school, but it seems that you truly don't really know who someone really is until it comes to light. Malcolm knows that the hard way because of his father. Now that came as a surprise to everyone that the good doctor, Martin Whitly was really the notorious serial killer, dubbed the Surgeon.

"It's Bright." Malcolm seethes, struggling to get out of the restraints, to no avail.

He's securely chained to the floor. With no way of escaping. And there's no hammers laying around the room that he could use to break his hand to get out. Not that he really fancies breaking his hand again to escape. Once is more than enough thank you very much!

Although even if he wanted to smash his hand with a hammer to escape, his hands are chained to the floor behind him. He's not sure how well smashing his hand with a hammer will work with both hands behind his back.

A hard slap to the side of his face unbalances him, sending him falling to the ground, head crashing onto the concrete floor. He lets out a groan as a throbbing pain blossoms in his head.

"Changing your name doesn't erase what you really are." Karl says. "The son of a serial killer! What an honor!"

An honor? Seriously?

Being the son of a serial killer is absolutely not an honor, and Malcolm isn't sure that anyone in their right mind would think that, or even want a serial killer for a father. With the exception of his father proving useful on a few cases, nothing good has come out of having a murderer as a father. All it's brought him, is pain.

"Having a serial killer as a father is not an honor." Malcolm says. "It's torture. He destroyed me. Erased any chance that I ever had of a normal life!"

He lets out a shout as Karl sends a pretty hard kick into his ribs, causing him to hunch over in pain. He's not sure if any ribs are broken, but he's absolutely going to be sporting a very nasty bruise, and he's going to be sore for awhile once he gets out of here.

That is, if he actually manages to get out of here....

"No more talking." Karl says, voice full of venom as he yanks Malcolm up by his hair, and shoves a gag into his mouth.

Through the pain, Malcolm tries to bite at Karl's hand as he shoves the gag into his mouth. But it appears Karl was anticipating that, as he's quick to move his hands out of the way, as he ties the fabric up tightly.

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