No. 15 - Feed A Cold, Starve A Fever

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No. 15 - Feed A Cold, Starve A Fever

Delirium | Fever Dreams | Bees


Everything's hot. Hot, hot, hot.

He feels like shit, and it feels like his body is on fire.

For once when he felt like utter shit and coming down with a fever, Malcolm has decided to stay home from work. He just knows he'll get an earful from Gil if he showed up to work like this. Although he hasn't bothered to call anyone. He hardly wants to get out of bed and give Gil a call, letting him know he won't be in today as he's running a fever.

That'll just worry Gil, and he doesn't want that. Then again, not turning up at the precinct or calling in sick will probably worry him too....

Either way, he doesn't have the strength to get out of bed and call him.

All he wants to do is sleep. Try and sleep this fever off, and hopefully he'll be better afterwards.

He's not even sure where this fever is coming from. Possibly from a change in his medication? That seems the likeliest reason, considering his doctor had prescribed him some new meds that are supposed to help with the night terrors.

Malcolm isn't sure how meds are supposed to help with the night terrors, but he'll give it a shot. If it works, then great. If not, then he'll stop taking them. Easy.

He just wasn't expecting to experience any side effects from the meds. He's been pretty lucky not to get any side effects before, or at least no serious side effects.

He tries to sleep, but he can't. It's way too hot to sleep right now. His temperature is way too hot. He needs something to cool himself down.

So he unclasps his restraints from his wrists and stumbles into the bathroom, stripping down to nothing and turns the shower on. He leaves the water on cold as he sits under it, closing his eyes as he leans against the wall, and hopes that the cold water running down his body will help lower his temperature.

It works, but not by much. He still feels like he's boiling, even though the water raining down on him is almost icy cold.

His eyes fly open as he hears footsteps outside the bathroom door, and scratching on the walls. Looking towards the door, he watches as the door knob starts to jiggle, but doesn't open. Odd. He isn't entirely sure he even locked the bathroom door, so if anyone is in his loft currently, they would've easily found their way in here.

However, even in this state he knows his front door is locked, and that there shouldn't be anyone in the loft with him. It should only be him and Sunshine here.

He should probably get up to go investigate (after putting his clothes back on of course), but he finds he's just too tired to move, and he doesn't have the strength to get up again. So he stays right where he is, sitting under the stream of cold water.

The footsteps and the scratching on the wall don't stop, and Malcolm tries desperately to ignore them. But it's hard. And no doubt if there is someone out there, they'd no doubt know that he's here too. He doesn't doubt for a second that they can hear the shower running. He just hopes they don't try and come into the bathroom again. Whoever it is, whether it's someone here to hurt him, or even just Gil, he'd rather not be seen in this state.

Staring at the door, Malcolm can't hold back his whimper, as his stereo turns on all of a sudden, blasting out Marilyn Manson's version of the Eurythmics song, Sweet Dreams (are made of this). Honestly, he wasn't even aware that he had anything with that song on, both the original and the cover. But that's the least of his worries right now. Especially when it appears that someone has broken in.

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