No. 12 - It'll Be Fun They Said

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No. 12 - It'll Be Fun They Said

Torture | Made To Watch | Begging

"Please, just leave her alone!" Malcolm cries, not enjoying any of this at all. "Hurt me instead!"

For once in this situation it's not him that's getting hurt, but Dani, and he absolutely wishes that it was him in her place. Better for him to be the one strung up and tortured instead of Dani. She doesn't deserve any of this.

And we'll, technically neither does he, but he'd very much rather be the one strung up getting cut open and repeatedly slashed by the whip that's currently making a bloody mess of torn flesh across Dani's entire back. She hasn't done anything to deserve that pain. He should be the one up there, not her.

Malcolm lets out a scream as his hair is yanked on hard, forcing his head up to watch Dani's torture.

"Shut up, pretty boy." The man next to him says, tightening his grip on Malcolm's hair. "You wait your turn. We're not done with your little girlfriend just yet."

Hearing Dani cry out in pain causes a sob to escape Malcolm's mouth. He doesn't want to watch this. Doesn't want to see Dani hurt and covered in her own blood. But the iron right grip one of their captor's has on his hair is forcing him to watch, and he hates it.

He'll do anything to be the one in Dani's place right now. Sure he doesn't actually fancy having his back torn open, but if it means that Dani doesn't have to go through it, then so be it. He'll do anything if it means the torture is traded onto him instead of her.

"Please!" He cries, begs them to stop. "No!"

But it's no use. No matter how much he begs and pleads, screams at them to stop, they don't. They just continue the torture, to the point where Dani barely reacts as the whip hits her back, digging deep into already torn and bloody skin. And Malcolm can do nothing to stop it.

At this point Malcolm doesn't even know if Dani is still alive, and if she is still alive, it's very likely to be barely. But just maybe she'll be able to hold on long enough until they can get out of this mess. Before Gil and JT come bursting through the doors to their rescue. If Gil and JT manage to figure out where they are that is....

But how long will it take until they're able to get out of this? How much longer does he have to watch Dani suffer without being able to do anything to stop it?

The answer to that, Malcolm has a very bad feeling that it's going to take too long, and Dani... well, he'd rather not think about that. He doesn't want to think about what might happen to her if they stay here too long with no help.

He should never have gotten her to chase down a lead with him. Not if this is the end result of that decision, and neither of them got the chance to call for backup. It'll all be his fault if Dani....

No. he can't think about that.

Eventually the men appear to have had enough for now as they finally leave the room, and Malcolm crawls as close to where Dani is hanging as the chain around his ankle will allow him.

"Dani?" He asks, hoping for a sign, anything to show him that she's still alive.

And as he doesn't get anything, he fears that she's dead. Succumbed to her wounds. Until he sees the faint rise and fall of her chest. So faint that he nearly misses it, but when he does see it, it's just enough to show him that she's still alive. That she's still holding on. But barely, and Malcolm fears that it won't last. That she's going to die before they're able to get out.

He stays as close to Dani as he possibly can, lying on his side on the concrete floor, staring up at her, watching her for any movement to show him she's still alive, or if she stops breathing altogether. He refuses to look away, fearing if he takes his eyes off her for a second, she'll be gone.

And as the men don't return for a good long while, Malcolm starts to lose track of time. He's got no idea how long they've been here, and miraculously, Dani is still alive, but barely. Though she hasn't regained consciousness yet, and Malcolm isn't sure if that's a good thing or not.

As the doors to where they're being kept suddenly burst open, Malcolm shrinks back, and panic sets in as he can only imagine that they're back to finish Dani off then get started on him. And there's nothing he can do to stop it.

That is... until he hears the voice that has him sobbing in relief.



Malcolm sits on the chair next to Dani's hospital bed, hugging his knees to his chest as he watches over her. She's still alive, thank god, but he doesn't like the way she looks so small laying on her stomach on the bed to keep the pressure off her back and to not disturb any of the stitches. And she hasn't woken up yet. They had placed her into an induced coma to help with the healing process for the wounds on her back.

He doesn't like it. He should be the one on that bed, not Dani. It's not fair that the only injuries he himself sustained were a few scrapes and bruises, while Dani had her back repeatedly slashed.

Too lost in his thoughts as he stares at Dani, Malcolm barely notices Gil walking into the room.

"You should go home, Bright" Gil sighs, heart breaking at the sight of both Dani laying badly wounded in the hospital bed, and Malcolm sitting next to her bed, hurting and blaming himself for Dani getting so badly hurt.

He doesn't like the way Malcolm's been blaming himself for what happened to Dani. What happened to her wasn't his fault, and no one blames him for it. And Gil is sure that if Dani was awake, then she wouldn't be blaming him for what happened either.

"I can't leave her." Malcolm chokes, eyes not leaving Dani, even as Gil pulls up one of the other chairs next to him.

He doesn't even react as Gil wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. All he does is watch Dani. Wishing and hoping like all hell that she'll pull through and be okay.

She just has to pull through. He doesn't want to lose her. He can't lose his best friend, not like this. Not because he was fucking stupid enough to convince her to chase down a lead with him.

This is all his fault....

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