Table of Contents

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Make You Hurt

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Make You Hurt

Table of Contents

For quick access to any one-shots you'd like to read, here's the list of whumptober prompts, and a short summary of each one-shot plus any warnings they may need.

*will be updated with summaries, word count, and warnings (if needed) as new one-shots are posted*

No. 1 - All Trussed Up And Still Nowhere To Go

"You have to let go" | Barbed wire | Bound

Malcolm is caught by their killer, and finds himself bound in barbed wire.

Genre; Gen

Word Count; 1,577


No. 2 - Talking Is Overrated

Garotte | Choking | Gagged

Malcolm is taken by the killer, and takes matters into his own hands by subduing the man. With results that he's less than enthusiastic about....

Genre; Gen

Word Count; 2,114


No. 3 - Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But...

Taunting | Insults | "Who did this to you?"

Gil, Dani, and JT discover that Malcolm is being abused by his partner.

Genre; M/M

Relationships; Malcolm Bright/Original Male Character

Word Count; 1,814

WARNINGS; This one deals with an abusive relationship. Also omegaverse


No. 4 - Trust Fall

"Do you trust me?" | Taken Hostage | Pushed

Malcolm and Ainsley are taken by a group of people who're after money from his mother. Malcolm is badly wounded, and Ainsley gets them both out of there.

Genre; Gen

Word Count; 2,134


No. 5 - I've Got Red In My Ledger

Betrayal | Misunderstanding | Broken Nose

Malcolm doesn't know what the fuck has happened for him to end up in this situation. There's dead bodies around him, and he's holding the bloody murder weapon. But what's worse, is that Gil has given up on him....

Make You Hurt || Malcolm BrightWhere stories live. Discover now