No. 18 - The Doctor Is In

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No. 18 - The Doctor Is In

"Now smile for the camera" | Doctor's Visit | CPR

The first thing Malcolm is aware of as he comes to, is the bright blinding light that's shining into his eyes as soon as the hood is lifted off his head - rather forcefully he might add. The second; that he's restrained down to a considerably cold metal table. It only takes him a moment to realize he's also very naked except for a sheet covering his privates.

Although, his nakedness is definitely the least of his worries right now. He's too preoccupied with the man and woman standing on either side of him once his eyes adjust to the light.

Unfortunately, both the man and woman are wearing masks to conceal their identity, so he has no idea who his kidnappers are.

"Ah, you're awake." The man says, and Malcolm thinks he can detect a slight accented voice, but he doesn't recognize who it belongs to. "Now we can get started."

What they can get started on, he has no idea. Nor is he particularly keen to find out, but unfortunately, he's got sure going to be finding out exactly what the man means by that.

Because he's trapped. Stuck completely strapped down to a cold metal table. Completely at the mercy of his kidnapper, and very likely his murderer.


He has no idea how he got into this mess in the first place. He wasn't even working on a case! In fact, it's been weeks since Gil has called him into the precinct for a case.

Well.... Looks like he's now found himself right in the middle of a new case. One where he cannot work it, as he'll be just one of the killer's victims....

Because no one knows anything about this. Gil, Dani, and JT won't even know where to start looking for him once they find out that he's missing. They won't find out about him being missing until it's too late.

He'll just end up as one of the cadavers on Edrisa's table at this rate.

"Go fetch me the doctor." The man says, attention turning to the woman.

The woman nods, and Malcolm watches as she leaves the room to get whoever this doctor might be.

Turning to the man, Malcolm watches in confusion as he moves away from his side, and over to another table. The table where Malcolm is guessing all his tools are that will be used to pick him apart.

Although, the man doesn't return with any sort of weapon. Instead, he returns to his side with a camera....

So he's going to be killed on camera. Great....

Go figure that the son of the Surgeon's death will be filmed, or perhaps live streamed on the dark web.

And there's a name for this killer, or group of killers, maybe. The Live Stream Killers.... Considering the naming of serial killers isn't exactly that imaginative, Malcolm can guess that that is exactly what the media will refer to these killers as. If their kills are all live streamed, that is.

"Smile for the camera, pretty boy." The man says, after he's switched the camera on, and has started filming Malcolm with it. "You are going to be a part of a very special show."

The door to the room swings open, as the woman enters the room, with who Malcolm is assuming is this doctor.

And judging by the way this man (or perhaps woman, but based on the build, Malcolm is thinking man) is both handcuffed, and has a bag over his head very similar to the one Malcolm had on when he had awoken, Malcolm is assuming the man is here against his will also.

As the woman draws closer, pulling the doctor along beside her, Malcolm's eyes widen as something about this man looks awfully familiar to him.

Very very familiar....

And as the woman removes the cloth bag from the man's head, Malcolm feels like he's seeing a ghost, and he feels like he's going to be sick.

The man....

This doctor....

It's... the one person he never thought he'd ever see again, and was perfectly content on never seeing again. Largely because he had died a year ago now. He himself had watched him bleed out and die right in front of him after he had stabbed him.

He should be dead.

Very, very dead.

This doctor is his dead father.


It's Martin Whitly....

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