No. 3 - Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But...

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Okay, fair warning, but this one involves an abusive relationship, but there's no actual abuse shown. It's just mentioned. It's also an omegaverse, but there's no mpreg.

And I also managed to use all three sub-prompts, but taunting and insults are only mentioned to have happened. But I'm still counting them as used in this, cause technically they are used!


No. 3 - Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But...

Taunting | Insults | "Who did this to you?"

Malcolm makes his way into the precinct slowly. There's a limp in his step from the ache in his hip that he's doing his best to hide, and he's sporting a nasty black eye that he's trying to cover with his hair. He doesn't need the team to know that he's hurt. That his boyfriend, Jason has been beating him and throwing out insults towards him almost every day. He doesn't need the team to worry about him. He doesn't want them to get involved.

As he makes his way over to his desk, he tries to avoid looking at anyone, and keeps his head down. He'd rather not have to answer any questions regarding the black eye. He knows that Gil, Dani, and JT are absolutely going to ask questions as soon as they notice it, but he'd rather not have any other officers ask questions about it.

Actually, he'd rather nobody ask about it, but that's just not going to be possible, not even if he stayed home. If he stayed home, that would possibly worry Gil, Dani, and JT more. And he'd just rather not stay home right now. He needs something to do to get his mind off his boyfriend and all the nasty insults he had dished out last night along with the beating.

Jason thinks Malcolm is broken, not a proper omega since he can't give him children, and because he can't go through heats like a normal omega. Malcolm's not sure what changed. That never used to bother Jason. His alpha was completely fine with the fact that Malcolm doesn't function like any normal omega and that he's incapable of conception. He used to tell him that none of that stuff mattered, and that he's perfect just the way he is.

So what the hell changed? Malcolm is at a loss for why his once sweet and loving boyfriend has suddenly become an abusive asshole. Or maybe he's always been like that, and the façade has finally cracked.

The insults and the taunts that Jason throws at him hurt. Hurts even more than the beatings. The beatings he can handle, but the insults.... Being called horrible things just because he's unable to have children or go through heats... it hurts. So much more. Especially when the fact he can't have children or function like any normal healthy omega is a bit of a touchy subject for him.

But maybe it's exactly what he deserves. Maybe he deserves everything that Jason does to him. The longer the abuse goes on, Malcolm starts to believe that maybe he does deserve it all. That the son of the Surgeon deserves everything bad that comes his way.

"Bright, you okay man?"

He's pulled out of his thoughts by JT, who's standing next to his desk, concern clear in both the alpha's gaze and voice. And as Malcolm looks up at him, trying to hide his black eye behind his hand and his hair - that he desperately needs to cut as it falls almost to his shoulders - he doesn't miss the way JT looks at him in a way that he just knows that there's something up.

"I'm fine." Malcolm says, trying to convince himself more than JT, because well, he's absolutely not fine, but he doesn't want anyone to know that so he has to pretend that he's fine. That there's nothing wrong.

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