No. 17 - Field Care 101

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No. 17 - Field Care 101

"Please don't move!" | Hemorrhage | Dread

There's a lot of blood. There's too much blood, and Gil and JT can't find Malcolm and Dani.

They have a really bad feeling about all of this. That all the blood belongs to either Malcolm or Dani. Or worse, both of them. Something they absolutely don't want to think about at all, but is entirely possible. All the clues lead them here, where they believe the suspect they've been hunting down has taken Malcolm and Dani.

But so far there's no sign of either of them, so maybe their suspect has tricked them? They've searched the warehouse up and down, and all they can find is a lot of blood. And hopefully that doesn't mean that they're too late, and they're gone. That they're both dead, and the killer has disposed of them, both.

Unless there's some area that they've missed? But they're both pretty certain that they've checked everywhere in this damn warehouse.

"Gil, I'm not sure this is the right place after all." JT sighs, not liking it one bit that they seem to have been fooled. Played for suckers.

Gil absolutely doesn't like the thought that they've been sent on a wild goose chase, and that Malcolm and Dani aren't here after all. That while they've potentially wasted their time here while Malcolm and Dani are elsewhere at the hands of the killer they've been hunting down for the past three weeks. He doesn't like it one bit.

Just the thought of what the pair of them might be going through right now fills him with dread, and he desperately needs to find them both safe and alive as soon as possible.

And JT feels the exact same way. He doesn't want to even think of all the hurt they must be going through, or the possibility that they're both already dead.

"Let's do one more sweep. Just in case there's something we've missed." Gil says.

He's absolutely sure that they've checked everywhere. That they've checked every possible spot hidden in the warehouse, but just to be on the safe side, in case there is something that they've missed, they'll take one last look around.

But afterwards... if they don't find anything.... Well, Gil isn't sure what they're going to do.

Once they've taken another look around, not finding anything, just as they've given up and are about to leave, they hear the sound of someone running towards them. Which causes them both to pull out their guns, and turn around towards the direction they think the running is coming from, find raised ready to use if need be.

Only they find that they don't need to use them after all as they find Dani running over to them. Wherever the fuck she came from, they have no idea, but she's covered in an alarming amount of blood. And if she appears to still be relatively well enough to run over to them, then that must mean that not all of the blood is hers, but Malcolm's blood.

"Dani!" Gil shouts, and he and JT break out into a run towards her. "Where's Malcolm?"

"Out the back." Dani pants, stopping to catch her breath. "We've been just outside the building. Malcolm's hurt really bad."

Hearing that, Gil breaks out into a run once more towards the back of the building. Although he's not entirely sure where abouts outside the back of the building Malcolm's at, but he finds he doesn't need to go back and ask Dani as he's suddenly aware of the trail of blood on the concrete floor.

And soon enough, by following the blood trail, he finds himself outside, and meet with a sight that makes him sick to his stomach.

There's blood everywhere, even more than inside, and laying right in the middle of it all, the only thing Gil can find him concentrating on, is Malcolm to the point he doesn't even notice the dead body of the killer they were hunting lying a few feet away on the grass. He's just all too focused on Malcolm, and the blood pulsing out of the open wound on his stomach.

"Oh god!" He gasps, falling to his knees next to Malcolm, tearing off a portion of his shirt to press onto the wound, trying to stop the bleeding as much as he can. "Don't move, Malcolm."

"Gil?" Malcolm rasps, eyes wide with pain.

"I'm here, kid. Just don't move. We've got you. You're going to be okay." He says, looking up as JT and Dani come running outside. "JT, call a bus!"

"Oh, fuck...." JT trails off, catching sight of how badly injured Malcolm is.

It's bad. Possibly the worst any of them have ever seen Malcolm get hurt, and they don't like it one bit.

"JT!" Gil shouts, as JT stands frozen in place, making no move to call for a bus.

Thankfully though, Gil's shout seems to knock him out of it, and he's walking away to call for a bus, leaving Gil and Dani to tend to Malcolm.

"How bad are you hurt?" Gil asks, looking over at Dani, noticing the way she winces in pain as she kneels down next to Malcolm.

Though he can tell just by looking at her she's nowhere near as badly hurt as Malcolm is, she's definitely still injured.

She shakes her head. "Just a few cuts and bruises." She says. "But don't worry about me. Malcolm's the one we need to worry about."

She's right. Malcolm's the one that desperately needs urgent medical care, and if Dani's injuries aren't any worse than a few cuts and bruises, then hers can wait. Although even with all his attention on Malcolm, Gil still only just notices the way Dani is barely using her left arm, and every time she moves it, she's wincing in pain. So there's the chance she's got a broken arm at worst. Definitely miniscule compared to Malcolm's injuries.

"Bus is on its way, boss. They're going as fast as they can." JT says, making his way back over to them. "Shit, he's not looking too good."

"You wouldn't either if you just got your stomach cut open." Malcolm rasps, before groaning. "I... I'm going to die, aren't I?"

Gil shakes his head. No way is he going to let the kid die. No matter how bad this all may look. "Not on our watch." He says. "Just try not to talk, okay?"

Malcolm nods, smiling a little, before coughing, blood beginning to drip out of his mouth. Definitely not a good sign.

And just hopefully the bus gets here soon before it's too late and they end up losing Malcolm. For good....

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