Chapter 19

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Sakura pov:

No way.

"Kailey and michi??" I asked as i walked over to them as they met me halfway embracing me.

"We were finally released!! After so much!" Kailey said.

I looked around them.

"Where is sora?" I asked as they both turned their gazes downcast.

"Sora...will have to go on trial" michi said as my eyes widened.


"They're basically going to prosecute her, with her outburst at the police station when we were first arrested.. they're using it against her.. apparently what karin told them matches what sora said"

"What did she say?"

"Im going to kill you" kailey said as i gasped. "But it was completely out of anger! Sora might me our wild card but she wouldn't injure a fly! And we know she's innocent because she was with us the day hinata died and the day karin and ino claimed to have been jumped..."

"I know...somehow ino and karin faked it..they faked all those bruises they faked everything!" I exclaimed.

" you really think my cousin and ino killed my girlfriend?" Naruto said as i turned around.

"Naruto..i would never place blame if I didn't believe it... like shikamaru said though we'll have to slowly but surely get information and find a way to prove sora innocent" i said.

After that karin, and ino both walked in.

"So the party was happening in here" karin said. "Whats the occasion?" She said as she stood crossing her arms.

"For someone who got their asses beat terribly you sure no scars or bruises" i said.

"Why don't you mind your fucking business haruno" she said as i scoffed. "When did these two criminals get out? How could they let my attackers out without my consent?" She said.

"We didn't attack you and you know it!" Michi said.

"Oh yeah?! Well all the evidence points towards you bitches!  As a matter of fact where is the other bitch! The one with all that mouth" she said as michi and kailey both moved uncomfortably.

"Exactly! She's still in jail because she's guilty!"

"Whatever" kailey said as she turned walking over towards noah..

"Yeah just keep it moving again, why is everyone here?" She asked.

"Since when did any of us answer to you?" Temari said.

"Shut up you dry bitch" karin said.

"Listen..I'm not kailey, michi, I won't back down to your bitch ass" temari said walking over to karin but shikamaru stopped her.

"It'll be a drag..let it go" he said.

"Better listen to him dusty" karin said as i scoffed once more.

"We can finish discussing more later guys lets just go we shouldn't miss anymore classes" i said as everyone began to get up and move.

"Who the fuck made this traitor bitch leader? Naruto did you forget what she did to you?" Karin said.

Naruto ignored his cousin as he walked past her. She turned to him in complete shock.

Ino behind karin just stood there trembling like she could break if you barely touched her.

She looked very uneasy, and anyone with eyes could see that.

"Lets go pinky" sasuke said as gladly took his hand and walked out of the gymnasium.

"Sasuke-kun, you see how aggressive Karin is right?"

" ino was weird" he said.

Karin pov:

"Get you shit together ino! You left me for dead!"

"Look im sorry! They're suspecting us! Cant you see that?!?"

"Look, if you lose your shit now we're definitely done for"

"I-i can't do this anymore karin! The guilt is eating me alive!"

" what about sakura then ?!? Is your plan to expose her at prom eating at you too?"


"Then suck it up! You are ino yamanaka you can do this!"

"I..i know, but i'm not a murder! I-I'm not evil"

"Listen ino, we aren't actually murders, what we did was a accident, and if we're caught which is a big if, we'll likely go down for accidental manslaughter"

"Well..what about the assault and battery charges ino? We jumped hinata and beat her up!"

"Well then we'll really have to suck it up"

"You know what....fuck it! Fuck sai! Fuck sakura! Fuck everybody! If everyone wants to turn against us so be it! We'll ruin everyone's lives" ino said as i smirked.

"Thats my girl" i said back. "Now you said that your brother deidara was in suna right?" I asked.

"Yes, he's helping me with the whole sakura adopted thing"

"So what's he doing there though?"

"He's contacting sakura's parents, but he knows her biological brother"

"Ooou really now? Who is her biological brother?"

"A guy named sasori akasuna"

"So sakura haruno is really sakura akasuna?" I asked as she nodded.


"Why did she get adopted anyways?"

"Well I don't know, maybe she was a mistake and they didn't want her" ino snickered as i laughed

"Imagine being unwanted by your own parents...tragic" i said.

"Lets go, we'll be late for our classes"

"Wait..did you peep how tenten was amongst the others?"

"I did actually"

"Do you think she'll speak?"

"If she knows whats good for her she'll keep that trap shut!"

Very very short chapter next chapter will probably be sora's trial and karin and ino being found out

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