Chapter 14

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Ino pov:

"You know ino, you've done it now! How the hell did you get caught up in this? And doing something so horrible to your best friend!" My father scolded.

"Look she's not my best friend, she's nothing to me"

"You're being a brat you know that? Since you're suspended, you will help your mother down at the flower shop"

"What?!??. The flower shop is lame! I'm not doing it!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"Oh yeah? Then guess what no 18th birthday party, no phone, no mall, no car and no Sai! If you're not helping down at the flower shop you're not doing what you want to do!"

"What?!? You can't do that!"

"Oh i can and i will...have it your way" he said.

"Fine fine! WHatever I'll do it" i caved.

"Good, now im off to work, your mothee will need your help tomorrow morning." He said as he walked out.

When my father left my room, quickly grabbed my phone calling karin.


"Hey..whats your punishment?"

"Oh my older brother took away my car, his lame ass"

"I'm being forced to work at the flower shop"

"I honestly can't believe we're in trouble when she was caught fucking in a classroom! Who even told on us?"

"Hinata's snitching ass, i told her she would regret it"

" and she will, since she wants to he a rat! That's why she's sloppy seconds"

"And sakura isn't off the hook, I'm still making her life a living hell for being fake! Since we've been banned from prom, we're going to crash it"

"Do tell"

"We're going to ruin konoha high's prom...I'm going to reveal the biggest secret sakura has, she's going to regret she ever in her life crossed me!"

"Whats the biggest secret?"

I told her the secret as the line got silent.

"So what do you think?"

"Look....I'm all about screwing with her, but telling that! Is going too far...i mean ino...that's nothing to play with"

"Look her dad and my dad both work together, so ofc they know things, if i tell everyone she's adopted she'll freak"

"Yeah but not only will you break're breaking a relationship she has with the people she known as her parents for almost 18 years"

"Boo hoo...she took away my senior prom so I'm taking something from her, now either you're in or out i can do this without you darling"

"Im in...i guess..what about tenten?"

"Her guardian took her phone away"

"Fuck it, lets do it... I'll even get Suigetsu to help us, and lets not only ruin her with that news... lets do some carrie shit"

"Carrie?" I asked.

"You know the movie of the weird chick who had those special powers and at prom some girls and guys poured pig blood all over her"

Sasusaku: I Want YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora