Chapter 18

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Sakura pov:

It's been 3 weeks, and sasuke and i have been allowed to go back to school, seeing everyone again was bittersweet, kailey, sora, and michi had still be in jail, falsely accused of killing hinata and beating up karin and ino. Their parent have hired lawyers for them, even i went in to state that they were indeed not guilty, but my word meant nothing to the officers. My parents came back home, and I'm back at my own house.

Even though i see sasuke-kun at school I still miss sleeping at night with him.

I looked over to where hinata last sat when i was here at school, her funeral was last Saturday and it was sad, poor naruto broke down, me and sasuke had to drive him home, which was only a ride filled with his cries and wails.

As for karin and ino....they've been different.

Sai wasnt with he really wasn't with her. She seemed very sad.. her sadness matched her sadness from last year after her miscarriage.

I wonder had sai found out about her miscarriage? I told her long ago she wouldn't be able to keep it from him like she wanted, he would soon figure it out.

Which he must have.

Tenten, was normal i guess. She would still be with Karin and ino but was mostly around neji, it was like she kept a good distance between her,karin and ino majority of the time.

Our friend groups began to mesh, so it was great being around the others as well as our new friends.

Thinking back to ino and karin...i was so confused..if they had been jumped and hurt so could they be so fine now? I know its been 3 weeks, but in the police station karin walked with a limp and they had typed of scratches on their faces.

Because i know if i were to be jumped or looking the way they looked, i would still be feeling the aftermath of that.

Plus why would they be at the police station if they looked like that? The first place i would go is the hospital, then at the hospital the police would've came asking questions.

My eyes flew to karin and ino where they sat, ino's head on her desk, karin checking herself in a hand held mirror.

"Something is fishy" i said underneath my breath.

"What was that sakura-chan?" Naruto asked as i turned to him.

"You and sasuke meet me, in the gym after school" i said to naruto.

"Okay but for what sakura-chan?"

"I'll explain there, as a matter of fact ask both groups to come..we need to talk" i said as he nodded.

Sasuke-kun wasn't in my class, so i would have to wait until after class to see him.

I of course was texting him and told him to meet me in the gym, he was confused as of why, but I didn't answer like naruto i will explain everything. Maybe even shikamaru could help me.

"Alright class, im putting you in groups of 3 to finish today's project in class" anko sensei said as i groaned. I didn't miss school or doing physical assignments.

Anko sensei went down the line of groups when she finally called my name.

"Sakura,Karin, and Ino" she said as tensed.

Why god..just why?

"Now go ahead get in your groups, i expect the work completed by the end of class and on my desk turned in" she said as i grudgingly stood up.

I trotted over towards where ino and karin sat. Karin had a glare plastered on her face as he pushed her glasses up, her hair was in a ponytail similar to ino's.

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