Chapter 16

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Don't hate me after this chapter😭😩

Sasuke pov:

"Come on sakura, we're going to be late"

"I'm coming"

She had a bookbag packed wearing big loose pajamas which were questionable.

"Why are you wearing that?" I asked as she looked down at herself.

"You mean my pajamas?" She asked.

"They're really big" i said as she giggled.

"Well duh sasuke-kun" she said as i rolled my eyes.

"Lets just go" i said as we walked downstairs.

"Where are you kids going?" My mother asked as her,father, and itachi all walked over to us, worry etched on their features.

"Kailey is throwing a sleepover we were just heading out" sakura said.

"I'm sorry...but you kids can't go" my mother sais as tears were on the brink of falling.

"What's wrong?" I asked dropping my bookbag as my mother ushered for us to look towards the television.

"Terrible...Terrible news.... Hinata Hyuga, daughter of Hiashi Hyuga, has been found dead, in a near by water bank, her body had been caught in a litter trap... details about how she looked, she was bruised and seemed to have been beaten badly...footage of her entering the mall earlier today and also leaving with a blonde had been seen, the blone being Naruto Uzumaki was in questioning earlier he claims to have dropped hinata off after their mall trip. Now more camera footage shows hinata Hyuga walking into a nearby gas station where 3 figures all wearing black hoods jumped her, police are still looking for the 3 suspects, but until they are caught, we ask that all teenagers stay indoors and that a 7pm curfew be set until we figure out this sad case...this just in Konoha News"

I was frozen in shock, sakura stood beside me trembling.

"I'm terribly sorry...but we can't let you guys go"

"H-hinata i-is s-she's dead? Like dead ?" Sakura said as my mother pulled her into a hug.

"3 people had did that to her?" I asked as my brother nodded.

"Seems the build of the 3 people were of females, they're working to probably get more footage" he said as i nodded.

Damn...I can't imagine how neji must feel right now.

Ino pov:

"Holy shit, im shaking" i said as we all kept looking up out the windows of my room.

"Ino calm down! She's not dead, all we did was fight her" karin said.

I turned around, i was scared as shit! After leaving the mall, with that ridiculous order we had today, me and karin, went to pick up her cousin tayuya who's a grade below us, and we decided to hang out.

We noticed naruto drop her off, and we followed her, we also watched how she entered a gas station so we all went to a thrift store and bought all black attire, we bought jackets with hoods covering our very much bright colored hair.

We parked the car down the street as we waited for hinata to exit.

When she did we all ran up and jumped her. We jumped her because she was a snitch, and she caused trouble.

When we were done, she wasn't moving but I could've sworn she was breathing, so we drug her somewhere.

In the back of the gas station was a ditch that lead into a small water bed. We threw her over. We knew the water would wake her once she hit it so after tossing her, we dipped. Quickly getting back into the car driving straight to my house.

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