Chapter 13

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Sasuke pov:

"Pregnant?" I kept saying to myself.

Sakura was showering in the bathroom as i pondered on the thought.

Could she be? I mean...we've been doing it for a few months now, it's not impossible, but i mean she would know right?

The door to my bathroom opened as sakura walked out, oversized t-shot, hair in a wet bun.

"That was relaxing, i feel better now that miko-chan helped me out" she said.

Mother helped her? I mean of course she was sick but mother would know right? She's a female and she's been pregnant before.....twice. So could my mother know if sakura is pregnant? Would she tell

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura urged as i snapped out my thoughts.


"Why are you so spaced out all of a sudden? Are you okay?" She asked as she came over feeling my head.

Her motherly instincts are already kicking in.

I gently grabbed her hand. "Im okay" i said as i pulled her near me.

"Pinky...if something was going on with you, you would tell me right?" I asked as her brows furrowed.

"Sasuke-kun what are you on about?" She asked.

"Just tell me sakura"

"Of course i would tell you, i told you when i was sick didn't I ? I tell you everything" she said.

I could feel myself relax, but overthinking was still in progress, would she tell me something as big as her being pregnant though?!

"Sasuke-kun are you sure you're alright? You're acting.....weird" she said as i nodded.

"Im fine" i said.

"Sasuke and Sakura come down for dinner" mother said on the outside of my door.

"We're coming Miko-chan! Come on sasuke-kun"
Sakura said as i got up.

I went for the door walking ahead of her a little. We got downstairs, and plates were set.

We sat down together, as sakura immediately dug into her food. She was eating like crazy.

"Mhmmm miko-chan your food is always so great, I can't wait to have seconds!" Sakura said.

Seconds?!? Since when has sakura ever ate seconds?! My eyes flew to my father and brother who gave knowing looks.

I wanted to ask so bad.

"Of course you can always have seconds dear" mother said sweetly as her and sakura held a conversation amongst one another.

I was now on my phone looking at the symptoms the signs of pregnancy and i'll be damned sakura is showing them all!

After dinner, we all watched a movie together, usually sakura would be very into a movie, but this time she was just cuddled under me, humming I believe in satisfaction.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine sasuke-kun" she said. "Why do you keep asking me that?" She asked.

"Because....are know?" I asked as she looked at me as if i was speaking a foreign.

"Am i what?"

"You know..."

"Sasuke-kun I don't know, I don't understand" she said as i sighed.

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