36-coming out

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(Can I put my balls in yo jaws)

She said turning to him with a bit more serious.
Mom:"when I was young...I made the mistake to not express myself...and it cost me a lot,I lost my best friend,all because of certain feelings I developed,you see,when her parents found out they drove her away,and I was left alone....we loved each other,but we never got to show it...please don't make the same mistake that I have made.."
Quackity was surprised,I guess she knew about how Quackity felt about Karl.
Quackity:"I won't,i promise"
Mom:"good" she smiled.
Karl:"what's crackalakin' guys!"
Karl said as he came down the stairs.
God that really ruined the mood💀.

They laughed.Karl came over to them and they started to eat breakfast together.
Karl:"soooo what's up?"
Quackity:"WE actually have something to tell her right Karl?"
He said as he put his hand on Karl's,Karl looked at him with confusion.
Quackity could tell he wanted to say "what the hell are you doing" but also "let's do it".
Quackity looked at him for consent to say what he was about to say,Karl was unsure but eventually gave in,since he wanted it to.

Mom:"well don't keep me waiting what is it?!"
Karl:"we're dating!"
Misses Jacobs sat there with her jaw dropped before she burst out with full glee.
She smiled,she looked like she was about to cry happy tears,with eventually then happened.karl was relived,he knew his mom would be supportive but he was just really nervous.his mom kept going on and on about it was amazing news,and how she saw the connection but didn't want to address it since it would probably be awkward.it was also really heart warming for Quackity since she also talked about him and his mother and father kicked him out because of coming out.

They were all just so happy.when everything finally calmed down she had to run some errands leaving Karl and Quackity alone in the big empty mansion.
Quackity:"we're aloneeeee~"
He said poking Karl and ticking him.Karl giggled.
Quackity:"hey btw I hope that was okay..."
Karl:"of course it was,I feel great!!"
He said before hugging Quackity.
Karl:"thank you for always being there for me...
I love you so much..."

Quackity:"likewise..love you more though"
Karl:"dry ass answer" Karl mocked pulling away.he wrapped his arms around Quackitys waist and pulled him in for a kiss.
After a bit Karl pulled away and said.
"Let's continue this in my room~"
Before taking him up to his room.

𝙲𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚜|| karlity Where stories live. Discover now